Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Yasmin Khan of Rebel HQ lets us know about the Gropenfuhrer’s decision to sue George Stephanopoulos in light of the ABC News host making the completely true statement that #45 was found liable in the E. Jean Carroll rape case (and isn’t it just too precious to see Nancy Mace try to manufacture fake outrage?)...at about 3:29, the clip switches to the lawsuit against Jessia Tarlov, maybe the only sane person on Fix Noise at this point, filed by Trumper Tony Bobulinski, because Tarlov also quite accurately said that Bobulinski’s legal fees were being paid for by a Trump Super PAC (shocking to see Tarlov supported by Fix Noise, but credit where it’s due...and as Khan reminds us, Bobulinski was supposedly the “smoking gun” from James Comer in the Hunter Biden sham investigation)...

...and when it comes to right-wing insanity and The Roger Ailes BS Factory, Desi Lydic of The Daily Show “Foxsplains” the alleged assassination attempt against Bronzer Beelzebub...I realize this is humor, and Lydic knows that of course, but she really isn’t too far off from what passes for alleged thinking on the part of Trumpers.
And just as a reminder, life forms like the person driving the vehicle with this obnoxious bumper sticker are part of what we're fighting againat...

...and Cenk Uygur, Jordan Uhl and Jules Suzdaltsev of TYT tell us the sorry tale of Repug U.S. Senate hopeful Royce White getting caught using campaign funds for going to a strip club and (allegedly!) all manner of other improprieties (and you can put me in the “maybe criminals SHOULDN’T run for office” camp, as it were)...

...next, Thom Hartmann speaks with Alex Lawson on the subject of How Social Security Works...good news on how well run SS and Medicare are, extending solvency into 2099 (looks like the trust fund is doing well, fortunately...more proof that we need to get rid of the stinking cap on earnings subject to Social Security withholding...and yeah, the “banksters” are absolutely salivating over trying to get all of that dough...still more evidence is provided in this clip as to how utterly scammy Medicare Advantage is...more here)...

...and Beau gives us his take on Schumer and the U.S. Senate Dems putting “R” party members in that body in a metaphorical box by utterly caving on the immigration bill, only to see the “party of Lincoln” walk away from it anyway, leading to voters not thrilled with the performance of their “R” party senators (would LOVE to see that translated into votes against these charlatans, but I’m not going to hold my breath on that...I’m loathe to give Schumer credit for ANYTHING, but apparently knuckling under was the right call)...

...and RIP harmonica virtuoso Phil Wiggins of the duo Cephas and Wiggins.

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