Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Stuff

Steve Schmidt gives us another "Warning" episode on the fact that the Repugs are going to fall in line anyway behind Our Convicted Felon Of A Former *president despite the fact that #45 was found guilty on all 34 counts in his recent criminal case concerning election-related payoffs to Stormy Daniels; I believe it was Chris Hayes who made the excellent point that Our Ochre Abomination has now been held to account twice by everyday citizens of this country, whereas the rich and powerful continue to coddle him, no doubt hoping for more stinking tax cuts in the disastrous event of Combover Caligula getting returned to An Oval Office (and this speaks volumes also as far as I’m concerned...more related food for thought is here)...

...and when it comes to coddling the well-to-do, Jesse Dollemore lets us know about the WaPo apparently spiking the initial story of “Strip Search Sammy” Alito’s upside down flag from a week or so after the insurrection, “in a pre-Dobbs world,” or whatever nonsense justification they’re coming up with – “democracy dies in darkness” all right, and also from a lack of vigilance in order to appease treasonous wingnuts (and pertaining to the High Court, this sure figures, doesn’t it?)...

...and in case you thought political intrigue against lefties was confined to our shores only, David Doel lets us know about Faiza Shaheen apparently getting booted out of the British Labour Party because she liked a tweet from Jon Stewart (British PM Rishi Sunak just called for a “snap” election, so that makes this a timely story)...yes, this is ridiculous, but as someone who’s been exposed somewhat to the rough-and-tumble of British politics, I should say that it’s hard to overstate how thoroughly the media “across the pond” utterly hates Labour (Jeremy Corbyn in particular), but yeah, this story also proves that the Labour Party is a mess anyway, and I’m talking about the party’s “leadership” (and nice work by Stewart here)...

...and given the prior clip about the WaPo (and, I would argue, the Shaheen clip also), I think it’s important to be mindful of how the fourth estate helps to poison the life blood of democracy, not just in the U.S. but elsewhere...I think Thom Hartmann is typically spot-on here...he saves some fire for Bill Clinton signing the telecommunications bill in the ‘90s, but more than anyone else, The Sainted Ronnie R needs to be held up to ridicule IMO for no longer enforcing antitrust law and gutting the Fairness Doctrine and the equal time requirement for TV news orgs (more here)...

...and Kyle Kulinski brings us the story of Iraq war vet Tomas Young, who, in his dying moments, called out “Deadeye Dick” Cheney and Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History over our Not-So-Excellent Adventure in Mesopotamia - may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest (I originally had this slated for a couple of days ago, but I moved it for the Rachel Maddow clip on Fani Willis, which I thought was a little more timely)...

...and Jeff Waldorf informs us of an individual named Ben Pollock, the father of two MAGA rioters captured by the FBI who attempted to place a stone honoring insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt and others from the 1/6 Capitol attack at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day; Pollock was rightly turned back at the gate to the cemetery, apparently (more here)...

...and Ana and John of TYT bring us the story of microplastics found in human and dog testicles – and yeah, why exactly is it that they’re looking at testicles anyway, but I guess it’s a good thing that they are (and I think John is exactly right to focus on the BS that we let corporations get away with when it comes to poisoning our air, water, and food)...

...and RIP Doug Ingle of Iron Butterfly (and I'll bet you knew that this was coming, right?).

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