Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about Bo-Bo Boebert, running in CO-04 of course since she bailed on her CO-03 constituents over that “Beetlejuice” stuff, having a hissy fit over quite rightly getting called out by Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for taking credit for infrastructure funds in her district from a bill she voted against, namely the Infrastructure Bill (Cousins’ disgust is commendable IMO...mildly NSFW/ do something about Boebert, click here...and it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to point this out, but maybe Boebert ought to shut her yap when it comes to trying to criticize other families besides her own)...

...and as we await the word on whether or not Our Ochre Abomination is going to be convicted in the NY criminal case, David Pakman lets us know that – oopsie! – more classified docs were found, this time in Trump’s bedroom (and one way you can tell that this is legit is because Trumpers aren’t automatically yelling, “OH YEAH? WELL, BIDEN DID THAT TOO!”)...

...and Rachel Maddow reminds us that the case that was supposed to be first, instead of the NY criminal case, was the Georgia election fraud garbage where Our Treasonous Orange Pustule asked for about 11,780 votes, but Repugs in that state threw every roadblock they could come up with to prevent that (trying to hurt the case against #45 I mean), including going after Fulton County, GA DA Fani Willis in all kinds of disgusting ways...

...and Robert Reich lets us know that Dementia J. Trump and the “party of Lincoln” want to wreck our bank accounts, take away health insurance and student debt relief, make permanent those stinking, ruinous tax cuts from December 2017 that EVERY REPUBLICAN voted for, including this guy, etc. (and to do something about Bri-Fi, click here)...

...and I’m sure it comes as no surprise whatsoever to learn about oil companies colluding to raise gas prices in an effort to hurt No Malarkey Joe at the ballot box – Faiz Shakir of More Perfect Union brings us the infuriating details (especially concerning Scott Sheffield, former CEO of Pioneer Natural Resources, who coordinated with our dear friends the Saudis to cut the supply of oil and keep gas prices high)...

...and happy belated 80th birthday to Gladys Knight (and kudos to The Pips too).

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