Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell interviews Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about the latest flag madness with High Court Justice “Strip Search Sammy” (good for Lawrence to remind everyone that Dubya gave us Alito)...I didn’t know that recusal for SCOTUS justices was actually based on a law; good – kind of a longshot to see Alito and Thomas head off to the gray bar hotel for their antics I know, as opposed to what you would call the “garden variety” corruption of Gorsuch, “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett, but it’s still nice to think about IMO...GREAT historical context by Lawrence towards the end of how Repug presidents overall have put us on what you could call a glide path to this sorry day...

...and with the prior video in mind, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 5/25/20, when COVID was raging and, in essence, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao of Kentucky said that blue states should fend for themselves...glad I found this clip from comedian Vic Dibitetto, since I believe his response applies to this also...

...and as far as I’m concerned, this story should outrage everyone on earth...David Doel lets us know about Israeli activists (I guess that’s what they are) blocking and destroying food aid to be sent to Gazans, who are in the midst of a full-blown famine...Doel quite rightly lays the blame for this at the feet of “Bibi”; yes, for the zillionth time, we know what Hamas is, and they started this with their attack on 10/7 (arguably, though Israel has been mistreating Palestinian prisoners for years), but it’s pretty damn plain that all Israel cares about in response is genocide against the Palestinians as official policy (NSFW/H)...

...and turning from something cruel and deadly to something else that’s merely pathetic and actually a little humorous, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report let us know that “America’s Mayor” recently got served on the livestream of his 80th birthday party related to an Arizona election lawsuit – good times...

...and Kyle Clark of 9NEWS in Denver brings us a report on that state’s Repug party telling Colorado families to pull their kids from public schools so they won’t be “turned trans," or something...yep, this is about what you can expect from a bunch whose political influence is dwindling and chooses to offer ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to their constituents (here)...

...and if you want MORE evidence that Not Your Father’s Republican Party has ZERO INTEREST in actual governance, then allow me to include this clip of Farron Cousins informing us of Repug U.S. House Rep Andy Ogles proposing the “Let Trump Speak” Act that would prohibit judges from issuing gag orders to any defendants in civil or criminal proceedings...yeah, assuming idiocy like this could actually be enforced in legal proceedings (Cousins’ outrage is commendable IMO)...

...and I’m going to go “meta” again briefly and point out that, during the break, we traveled once more to the U.K., and as far as I’m concerned, they’re definitely ahead of us when it comes to the “tube” and regional rail (though we do a lot right in this country to be fair, given our crumbling infrastructure)...with that in mind, I was glad to see this item about how high-speed rail could actually be coming to the U.S. AT LONG FREAKING LAST...and we should absolutely credit “Dark Brandon” and the Infrastructure Bill for getting that started, as noted in the video (with Jessica Burbank and More Perfect Union)...

...and I’ve got a backlog of cool new tunes to get to, so I’d better start with that now...hope you enjoy.

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