Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

I realize I’m a little late in bringing the clip of Marjorie Train Wreck Greene getting her ass handed to her by Jasmine Crockett when the GA-14 nightmare made yet another stoo-pid remark, this time about Crockett’s eyebrows, but I absolutely couldn’t let this pass by (with a commentary by Mondale Robinson... and I have to admit that John Fetterman totally blew it with the tweet that AOC responded to here)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us here about Willard Mitt Romney criticizing fellow Repugs for showing up at Generalissimo Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan, alluded to in the prior clip...I have no illusions about The Mittster, but for now, credit for good behavior...

...and when it comes to Repugs vying to join Romney in “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” Rachel Maddow tells us about the issues facing those running in Michigan, Montana, Arizona, and our own beloved commonwealth of PA, including Connecticut’s own Dave McCormick who sort of well maybe but not really grew up on a farm, or near one, or something)...

Update 5/24/24: Here is another name for the rogues gallery.

....and I’m not familiar with the gentleman from Occupy Democrats who brings us the following clip, but in the ongoing matter of Harrison Butker’s ridiculous commencement address, it looks like the nuns who founded Benedictine College where Butker spoke decided to set the record straight...nicely done...

...and going from something merely ridiculous to a story that’s cruel and barbaric, well, you can count on Texas guv Greg Abbott to lower the bar to subterranean depths as he does here, pardoning a life form who murdered a BLM protestor – Jesse Dollemore tells us about it...

...and happy belated 75th birthday to drummer Bill Bruford of Yes and King Crimson.

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