Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins discusses how #45 is trying to conjure up some imaginary debate with Biden on Fix Noise as a way to ultimately pull out of the scheduled debates with #46 that Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence supposedly agreed to...at this point, why anybody would trust Mango Mussolini as far as they can pee is something I will never, ever understand...

...and John of The Damage Report informs us that Our Treasonous Former *preznit is trying to take credit for the stock market, again, which just hit 40,000...and again (and I know this needs to be pointed out over and over), the Dow, NASDAQ, S&P, etc. are just ONE MEASURE of how the economy is doing overall, as Brett Erlich points out...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about Alabama’s attempt to expand a “Don’t Say Gay” bill through 12th grade, which died the legislative death it deserved (copying and pasting from Flori-DUUH!, with questions getting asked by Republicans about how bogus the bill is; they obviously didn’t get the memo that they were supposed to play along with this nonsense and not hold it to scrutiny...NSFW/H)....

...and Alex Wagner discusses the kerfuffle with Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker’s commencement address at Benedictine College, where Butker of course reeled off the laundry list of wingnut grievances and tossed in a bit of old-fashioned misogyny to boot...one reaction, as far as I’m concerned, is that it’s absolutely ridiculous for an NFL football player to act like he has the remotest clue about what college graduates will be dealing with in that mean old world that awaits them, but on the other hand, I didn’t hear anyone in that audience booing him either...quite the opposite, which, to me, is a testament to how thoroughly those in attendance have been indoctrinated...Wagner discusses this with Leah Litman, law professor at the University of Michigan, and kudos to Wagner for presenting this in context with all of the hateful legislative BS in this country in support of Butker’s intolerant IMO views (and of course, leave it to the wingnuts to claim that Butker's being oppressed as noted here...spare me)...

...and turning to the destruction in Gaza, Beau informs us that the ICC is seeking applications for arrest warrants for what passes for Hamas leadership and “Bibi” over the 10/7 attack and Israel’s latest incursion into Gaza...important to note, as Beau says, that these are applications for warrants at this point; we’ll see what comes afterwards (and I don’t have anything on this item – hardly a fan of Iran, but I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone)...

...and speaking of mortality, RIP David Sanborn (ugh)...I’m going to break into my summer selections a little early for this one as a tribute (and James gets a little NSFW/H part of the way through here, just to warn you).

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