Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Stuff

Time to rev this thing back up again for real, and for starters I give you this clip about “Strip Search Sammy” Alito flying the U.S. flag upside down at his house in sympathy with the 1/6 insurrectionists...I have issues with Steve Schmidt, but there’s lots of good commentary here IMO, including Schmidt admitting that those who criticized Alito at his SCOTUS confirmation hearing were right after all, but I disagree with Schmidt saying that we can’t do anything about our 9 Philistines in robes...Biden needs to at least try to bring the total number of justices to 13, but I know that won’t happen anytime soon, if at all...Schmidt also deserves credit for calling out Dubya for saying nothing whatsoever about Alito, Thomas, or anyone else on our bought-and-paid-for High Court, but that fits the profile for #43, sadly...

...and I guess it’s apropos to transition from Schmidt to The Lincoln Project (again, if you choose to support them, you’re on your own, and I believe Schmidt has separated himself from the group); and yeah, I know, “Trump, Hitler, blah blah blah,” but it’s important to keep beating the metaphorical drum on this stuff...

Update 5/21/24: A "unified Reich," huh? Nice (here)...

...though Leeja Miller gives a bit of a different interpretation of what a beyond awful second presidency from Bronzer Beelzebub would look like, ultimately ending our democracy (NSFW/H)...didn’t know about the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, I have to discusses the Gropenfuhrer rolling back environmental initiatives, staffing government agencies with lackey loyalists from think tanks and corporations, curtailing the right to protest and using the military to forcibly deport immigrants (at a minimum), and otherwise wield any power he wants under his typically perverse interpretation of Article II of the Constitution, among other acts of madness...and yes, I know I just included the Trump/Hitler clip, but I believe that Miller is correct in that a catastrophic Trump second term would bring us the dissolution of rights more typical of Viktor Orban’s Hungary or Erdogan’s Turkey than something as dramatic as the Nazis, but I could be wrong of course and we need to do all we can to make sure this remains a merely theoretical discussion...

...and while I was away on my break, we lost a notable Dem in our beloved commonwealth, and I’m referring to Cyril Wecht, who served as Allegheny County coroner, though he’s most notable for casting doubts on the conclusion of the Warren Commission concerning the JFK assassination – I have no idea if scientific evidence will ever be released to confirm that Wecht is correct to say that there was more than one gunman, but I’ll hold fast to the hope that we’ll see that day...I’m not familiar with the case Wecht is referring to where he says he has his biggest regret – Wecht also went after the NFL for its treatment of concussed players who were later found to have developed CTE, and of the many who suffered that awful fate, I can recall what happened with Andre Waters of the Eagles and shudder...

...and last Friday marked the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education SCOTUS ruling (from a time when our High Court wasn’t totally purchased by Leonard Leo and The Federalist Society)...yes, this was a momentous and long-overdue decision to assign the scurrilous Plessy v. Ferguson atrocity to the legal dustbin where it belonged, but do not fail to note the extent of the white backlash to Brown which persists to this day and will likely continue, including the “massive resistance” movement and the unfortunate fact that segregation has returned to schools such as those in Virginia, with state and commonwealth budgetary decisions limiting educational opportunity for everyone except the most well-to-do (here)...

...and RIP Duane Eddy.

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