“It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Tuesday Stuff
Here is a prediction with the new year almost having arrived – if you disliked Betsy DeVos before, I predict that you’ll absolutely detest her after watching this clip (and I think Dem U.S. House Rep Josh Harder got a little personal, but if anybody deserves that kind of treatment, it’s a pathological lying ideologue like DeVos who, by rights, should be in prison for violating a court order to provide relief to those in student loan debt)…
(Oh, and what would the holiday season be like without another real or attempted mass gun slaughter in this country? There were two people killed recently in a church at some place called White Settlement, Texas, and I watched the NBC News report where they aired two gunshots and then showed pictures of parishioners with guns drawn aimed at the suspect, who, presumably, was shot dead by that point. With all due respect to the NBC News professionals who reported it straight, the report made me angry because of the blasé attitude of everyone interviewed…”Well, you know, houses of worship are easy targets, blah blah blah,” along with the obligatory “thoughts and prayers” statement from Repug Gov. Greg Abbott…pathetic sheep led to the f*cking slaughter because of their own macho idiocy...here.)
Update: Because of this, I can safely tell you that I will never attend a worship service in Texas.
…and it looks like Delaware Dem U.S. Senator and corpocrat Chris Coons is getting a primary challenger (link is here)...not the biggest fan of feeding frenzies like this, but I’m willing to make an exception in Coons’s case – Coons more than deserves it for the reasons Sam Seder notes (as well as this and this, and good point at the end by Sam about Justin Amash)…
…and it appears that Fairfax County, VA will permit students one day a year for student engagement (TYT, with Cenk, Brooke Thomas and Aida Rodriguez...and of course the wingnuts are outraged...some info on Fairfax County’s past resistance to integration is here)...
…and if we have young kids looking for toys to play with after Santa’s visit, please let’s all do what we can to keep them away from plastic magnets that could potentially wreak medical havoc on them should they be swallowed (more here)…
...and RIP Neil Innes...
…and since we have reached the end of another year, allow me to thank one and all who have spent any time whatsoever at this site over the past year and extend best wishes for 2020. This is always a tenuous enterprise, shall we say – there are times when I think I’ll be able to post something and I can’t, and then there have been times when I thought for sure I’d be able to do that and have had no opportunity whatsoever, so thanks for sticking with me for whatever reason you may have.
This upcoming year could be the most consequential of our lives. It is imperative that we not only send Generalissimo Trump packing, but that we return all of Congress to the Democrats (and that also means that we need to do our best to keep milquetoast corporate Dems like Coons in line too). Now that the hideous face of movement, corporatist conservatism has been fully exposed for all to see (the culmination of years of intrigue, stealth and propaganda), we must be prepared to fight it with everything we have and whatever our means allows. This will not be easy, and we’ll have to be engaged in this battle for awhile yet. But for now, I offer the following as a bit of an anthem to the cause (and in honor of the recent birthday of Patti Smith).
Monday, December 30, 2019
Monday Stuff
I would like to offer thoughts and prayers for real in support of stricken Dem U.S. Congressman and civil rights pioneer John Lewis (here)…
…and going from the sublime to the ridiculous, Farron Cousins tells us here about Puffy Chao funneling more $$ (which, as Cousins notes, is quite probably illegal) into KY to help her husband #MoscowMitch, who is up for re-election next year in the U.S. Senate…
…and Kyle tells us here about our corporate media puffing up Amy Klobuchar after the recent Democratic presidential candidates’ debate (too funny)…
…and with the year coming to a close, I just wanted to take note of the passing of three other musical notables who I don’t think I mentioned earlier, so I’d like to take care of that now – one is Art Neville of The Neville Brothers…
…another is Bill Isles of The O’Jays…
…and another is George Chambers of The Chambers Brothers.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Friday Stuff
Chris Hayes talks with The Rev. William Barber about the Christianity Today editorial criticizing the Gropenfuhrer (I know I already said a thing or two into this, but I think Barber’s take is noteworthy here - and the fundies are just so charming aren't they, as noted here)…
…and John I., Cenk and Ramesh Srinivasan of TYT tell us about more garbage in our pork (far fewer inspectors and turning it over to the plants to inspect themselves…what could go wrong? And kudos to John for bringing a little fire here…just a personal note: Cenk isn’t kidding when he talks about eating overseas versus eating in this country; I couldn’t get over how much better the food tasted when we visited the UK a few years ago – this was all documented in “Fast Food Nation” awhile back, and it’s only gotten worse since then of course)…
…and RIP William Greider (here), shown here talking about the attempt to loot Social Security under Obama…they’re going to keep coming back for that and Medicare over and over and over…
...and about Greider, I would say this was an interesting bit of foreshadowing, though the reality is more complex I realize...
Bill Greider, 2014: “if Hillary Clinton is the nominee in 2016—any hope that Democrats will embrace the imperative for fundamental change will be lost. Dems will become the party of the past, defending wrong ideas that failed and losing more elections.”https://t.co/HqRYMRKN6T
— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) December 27, 2019
…and as long as we’re acknowledging some who has recently passed on, I think we should pay tribute to some other musical folks who left us in the year that is coming a to close – beginning with Ric Ocasek of The Cars…
…Dr. John…
…and Ginger Baker of Cream.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Thursday Stuff
(A note: I will likely return to my somewhat irregular posting schedule after today.)
Well I’ll be…it looks like some of the evangelical sheep aren’t all that thrilled with being “shorn,” if you will, by the Gropenfuhrer (kudos to Mark Galli for pushing back - and leave it to that journalistic fraud Christine Flowers, - who, for some reason, continues to actually draw a paycheck from Inquirer.com – to use this story as an excuse to perform an act of utter avoidance of Mango Mussolini’s many, many character flaws, which are very much in issue here, and attack Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and progressives overall instead – what a hateful, pathetic harridan that woman truly is…here)…
…and Farron Cousins tells us about the U.S. Senate Dems FINALLY pushing back against Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao on all of the legislation that has effectively died on McConnell’s desk (more here)…
…and New York Times reporter Jeremy White tells us about buying a gun kit and building one without a serial number (and I hope Andy Lander or his family or friends are never the victims of violent crime, particularly from one of the weapons of the type described in this video, but if they are…well, then maybe he’ll be able to console himself with the idiotic pabulum he dishes out here about having to protect himself from the big, bad “gumint” – and “Glocktober,” huh? Cute…)…
…and see what happens when you elect Democrats, people? Kentucky Dem Gov. Andy Beshear is expanding voting rights, as opposed to GA and WI (and as Cenk and Ana of TYT note, that isn’t necessarily a guarantee that that will help “Team D,” but in terms of basic fairness, it’s definitely the right thing to do)…
…and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 12/26/09 – the following is a “Rethink Afghanistan” clip from Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films featuring former Dem U.S. House Rep Alan Grayson (an update is here)…
…and this pretty much marks the end of my seasonal selections (sniff :-).
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Tuesday Stuff
John I. of The Damage Report tells us about the Gropenfuhrer saying climate change is a hoax (of course) and criticizing wind power as only he can (anyone responsible for electing this corrupt, brain-addled meat sack should be cast into irons and pilloried in the town square)...
Update 12/27/19: The prior clip related to climate change was somewhat amusing, in a "gallows humor" kind of way I guess, but I definitely can't say the same thing for this.
…and Rachel Maddow tells us about more voter purging in Wisconsin and Georgia; as usual, the Repugs can’t win an election without voter suppression and intimidation (more here)…
…and this clip from David Doel of The Rational National tells us that Bernie Sanders’s support keeps growing - yeah, I know this is more "horse race" stuff which usually I can't stand, but it is a bit interesting I have to admit...
...and I think it takes a true adult to admit when he or she is wrong, as Bernie does here about his vote for the Afghan War (from The Majority Report, and Sam is exactly right about Biden not acknowledging his failures, and that's really true about just about everyone else also)...
...and we're winding down with the seasonal selevtions, but here are a few more.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Monday Stuff
Wow, it looks like the “party of Lincoln” has some kind of a pulse of respectability, as it were, coursing through its metaphorical veins, or at least the group Republicans for the Rule of Law has it, as opposed to the party overall, as Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us…
...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Mango Mussolini maligning former Dem Congressman John Dingell, who, being dead, cannot defend himself (and kudos to Debbie Dingell for somehow finding the grace to not tell our Orange Traitor what he can do with himself)...
...and Farron Cousins tells us about the USDA listing the fictional country of Wakanda on its website (INCOMPETENCE FOREVER!)...
...and Michael Brooks and the TMR crew tell us about Steve King falling for a Starbucks troll (easy on the “boomer/Internet” stuff Jamie - :-) - mildly NSFW…
...and we're winding down with the seasonal selections - here are a few more.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
More Sunday Stuff
Like most of you I’m sure, I’m in the midst of the typical Christmas/holiday stuff in anticipation of the big day, as it were. And I guess that is probably a really boring way I’ll admit to lead into the fact that I received a bit of jarring news related to this site a short time ago.
This is a link to an excellent tribute to Shaun Mullen written by Valerie Russ at inquirer.com. Shaun passed away recently, as noted in the story – natural causes were cited. He wrote at the blog Kiko’s House for many years, though his career in journalism was rich in reporting on all sorts of major stories from the Vietnam War (about which he authored a book of Philadelphia residents who were casualties) to the MOVE bombing (which, most definitely, is a landmark story in this area, and not for positive reasons overall). As noted in Russ’s tribute, Shaun worked at an editor at the Philadelphia Daily News for many years.
There was a time when I was trying to build up the profile of this site by writing longer-form pieces with more links and also leave comments at other noteworthy sites (Shaun’s site and Above Average Jane come immediately to mind, as well as The Existentialist Cowboy, and Avedon Carol’s site, the name of which escapes me at the moment). For all kinds of reasons, I was not able to devote the time and effort into accomplishing the goal I set out to achieve in the beginning, but I still believed then as now that I can accomplish some good in constituting this site as you read and view it today.
When I was able to write longer pieces with more links way back when, Shaun was gracious enough to leave comments. That is something he most definitely did not need to do, but I appreciated it and still do. In case you haven’t guessed, I do this as a hobby pretty much; as previously noted, this is not a source of income. Thankfully for me, I don’t have to worry about making a livelihood out of this. Again, I’m not complaining, since that’s more my responsibility than anyone else’s. Shaun was the seasoned, actual journalist, and if I manage to concoct something akin to actual journalism at this site, it’s probably more of an accident than for any other reason.
I guess you can consider this my way of saying thanks to Shaun for his support. We need all of the courageous voices of independent journalism we can get. Now that Shaun’s has been stilled, it’s up to us to continue to advocate for those who need whatever support we can muster in order to ultimately achieve something akin to social justice. Put another way, as Ted Kennedy said about Bobby at his brother’s eulogy, “Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not.”
I don’t know if Shaun would have wanted that kind of an epitaph, but my guess is that, somehow, he wouldn’t have minded it too much either.
Update 12/23/19: This is what I was looking for earlier (and I corrected the name misspelling - my bad).
Sunday Stuff
As we know by now, Tulsi Gabbard voted Present to both of the Democratic articles of impeachment against Generalissimo Trump, which is, to be sure, patently absurd for the reasons noted by Cenk and Ana of TYT in the clip…
…and Farron Cousins tells us about the idiot conservative Denver radio talk show host who apparently wished for a school shooting to distract from the impeachment story (and I think Cousins is right that this flatulent biped will find another home somewhere in the right-wing fever swamps of conservative media)…
…and I have to admit that I had no idea what a truly foul, fetid human being Matt Bevin was until this story (a sickening update is here - don't understand the point of mentioning Kasich and Beshear at the end, but whatever)…
…and on a less nauseating note, Kyle tells us about Bernie getting in the faces of Biden and Mayor Pete over their big-donor contributions, with Bernie claiming more small-donor contributions than anyone else (no “wine cave” issues here, and the Trump comparison at the end is a little disturbing, but apt all the same)…
…and here’s a tune for everyone recognizing the “festival of lights” that begins tonight…
…and here are more seasonal selections.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Friday Stuff
Brian Tyler Cohen brings us a clip of Mango Mussolini professing admiration for Nancy Pelosi and wondering why she didn’t impeach Dubya for Iraq – no, you’re not suddenly in some parallel universe; clip is from 2008…
…and Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about this great campaign ad from Andrew Romanoff focused on the climate crisis; Romanoff is running in the Dem Colorado U.S. Senate primary for the seat currently held by soulless Repug shill Cory Gardner – as Cenk and Ana tell us, Romanoff has to knock off “Fracken-Looper” first…
..and here’s a great “Now This” clip about the benefits of solar energy (as noted in the clip, Mr. Asmus upgraded his home for solar using LEAP, the Low Income Energy Assistance Program in Colorado, appropriately enough given the prior clip; don’t know if that’s offered nationwide or if that could be a model, but it should be – and in a related item, I give you this)…
…and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day in Doomsy History” (more or less) from 12/19/13…from the little bit I’ve read, apparently Sen. Elizabeth Warren held her own in the 2,462nd debate last night among the Democratic candidates for president, and with that in mind, I think it’s instructive to bring back this clip; with the exception of Bernie Sanders, nobody else on that stage has the record for consumer advocacy that Warren has built up throughout her career, and in this clip, she talks with Chris Hayes about the idiocy of employers wanting to review credit scores for job applicants as part of a background check even though that information has not one damn thing to do with how that person would perform on the job (more is here, and I'm not a bit surprised that California was progressive enough to ban this practice as noted here)…
...and here are more seasonal selections.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Thursday Stuff
Here’s a video from The Guardian in which Times Square protesters are interviewed before the recent Trump impeachment vote (more here and here – and "no evidence" from the Trumpette who was interviewed? How about this? And we know how Benedict Arnold Van Drew voted, but Collin Peterson of Minnesota voted against both articles and Jared Golden of Maine voted against the second article…and #JillStein2020 voted “present” on both articles of impeachment – I’m sure her pal Tucker Carlson will be proud of her)...
…and there’s a lot more that need to be said about the antics of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao in the U.S. Senate, but for now, this is a pretty good 1:45 segment from Chris Hayes…
…and here’s a cheerful little holiday item about massive global inequality – since most of the world is interconnected, we know what kind of con is going on, as Kyle quite rightly notes…
…and I put off this video in light of more timely stuff for the last few days, but I’m getting around to it now – it looks like Clint “Arguing With The Empty Chair” concocted some bit of crackpot MAGA history, which is a shame for the reasons Cenk notes…
...and here are more seasonal favorites.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Wednesday Stuff
So apparently Generalissimo Trump, as we near the impeachment vote, wrote some gonzo letter to Dem U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – lather, rinse, repeat…
…and Sam and the TMR crew comment on the New York Times apparently walking back, albeit slightly, their hit piece on Cenk Uygur saying he gave de facto support to David Duke – yeah, tell me again how “liberal” The Old Gray Lady really is (more here)…
...and here are more seasonal selections.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Tuesday Stuff
This is the clip I was looking for about the recently passed NDAA bill, the alleged “compromise” signed off on by the Democratic U.S. House “leadership” and quite rightly criticized by Bernie Sanders and Dem U.S. Rep Ro Khanna…I’ll remember this the next time I get an Email from Nancy Pelosi screaming for money and reminding me how many times she has already asked…
…and Farron Cousins tells us about AOC criticizing the fact that health insurance lobbyists took 40 congressional staffers on a spa retreat (and both Repugs AND Dems, sadly – how the hell is that NOT illegal?)...
...and here are more seasonal selections, including another new item...
Monday, December 16, 2019
Monday Stuff
David Pakman tells us that a federal judge ruled against the Gropenfuhrer trying to use military funds for his stoo-pid border wall - lots of good points about immigration in this clip also…
…and Kyle presents the Bernie Sanders video on the Naval Air Force vet who wanted to kill himself (and I know HRC hasn't covered herself in glory lately, but I think Kyle is being a little too dismissive here for what it’s worth...tremendous stories like this are a big reason why I get so pissed off at all of the “horse race” political coverage in this country at the expense of stories like this about how people are helped or, in this case, hurt by actual policy, and I know I’m not alone on that...)...
…and as far as I’m concerned, not only is former-Dem-turncoat-U.S. Congressman Jeff Van Drew a coward, but he’s a lousy political strategist also, as noted here (Van Drew is the guy who bailed over the impeachment vote...more here and here)…
…and Thom Hartmann gives us his take on the UK election and why he thinks it's different from the US campaign; more baggage for Corbyn vs. Bernie and less for Johnson vs. Generalissimo Trump (though targeted ads on social media are sure a common denominator of course)...
...and here are more seasonal selections.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Friday Stuff
Stephen Colbert gives the Gropenfuhrer and his minions the treatment they deserve in light on 45’s typically disgusting attack against Greta Thunberg, recently named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year as we know by now…
…and I thought it was telling that Huckleberry Graham got up and walked away while Dick Durbin, while questioning IG Michael Horowitz on alleged political bias of FBI investigators getting in the way of them doing their duty as professionals, basically blasted Graham’s idiotic statement to pieces (and yeah, I would say that Graham’s screed is a preview of the show trial Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao will concoct shortly to absolve Mango Mussolini)…
…and Emma Vigeland of Rebel HQ gave us what I thought was a pretty good take on the recently-passed “compromise” defense budget that I alluded to earlier this week, the one that Ro Khanna spoke out against in much the same manner as Vigeland does here…
…and I applaud Farron Cousins’s support here for Bernie of course (re, workers dying and contemplating suicide at Amazon warehouses), but it’s going to take more than one person to fix the mess we’re in, and I’m afraid it’s going take a lot more than one presidential term of office…
...and the prior clip alluded somewhat to holiday shopping by mentioning Amazon I know, which is probably an OK segue into some seasonal stuff, so here it is.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Thursday Stuff
(I know I said earlier in the week that I couldn’t find a video on the Pensacola shooting that gave the context I was looking for – also, I know there was another mass shooting in Jersey City recently, though it looks like the details are still being sorted out. Well, Dem U.S. House Rep Ro Khanna, who continues to impress, gave a speech in response to the rubber-stamped-by-U.S.-House-Dems defense budget including the Gropenfuhrer’s “Space Force” and MORE $$ for defense…what he said in protest was spot-on big time, and if I can find something on it, I’ll put it up here - I’d be shocked if Kyle K. didn’t have a video on it.)
In the meantime, Farron Cousins tells us here about a video featuring impeachment-butt-hurt Trumpsters in Hershey, PA “talkin’ ‘bout a revolution,” you might say, and I think Cousins’s response is spot-on…
Update: Yeah, there always seems to be more to this stuff (here).
…and David Doel shows us AOC doing what she does best, and that is to stick up for working people in this country, on the issue of paid parental leave in particular here (not surprised at how well Iceland is managing this stuff…and I understand Doel’s point about the idiocy of putting this family leave bill in an “omnibus” bill of sorts, but hey – let’s thank everyone in this country who stupidly votes for Republicans and makes us settle for half a loaf, as it were, which is probably appropriate context for what Khanna said also…as Atrios sez, we do so love our children, don’t we?)…
...and here are more seasonal selections, including a number I haven't put up here in a little while.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Wednesday Stuff
Cenk and Ana tell us about the latest, typical Trumpian imbecilic garbage; leave it the “party of Lincoln” to not understand what actually happens in “Endgame” after that scene, as Cenk says (and just imagine the caterwauling if, say, Obama had come out with an ad like this against Boehner, Cantor, Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao, etc. – he'd be laughed at, quite rightly)…
...and Kyle K. tells us more about FDR and support for Social Security, even from a Republican president (and by the way, the top end marginal tax rate under Ike was 90 percent - I wish Kyle didn’t have that “Tulsi” blind spot, but nobody’s perfect – “a massive shift of the Overton Window to the left” indeed)...
...and here are more seasonal tunes...
...and I never had an issue with this song, by the way...
…and does anyone have a bicarbonate of soda (for all the times the Trump regime makes us sick to our stomachs)?
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Tuesday Stuff
It appears Lee Fang caught Devin Nunes (R-Cow) off guard a bit with a question about Nunes’s calls to Lev Parnas – hmm, do I smell another nuisance lawsuit from Nunes coming up? (here)…
…and Farron Cousins tells us that soybean farmer Chris Gibbs has decided to run as an independent against Gym Jordan for the latter’s U.S. House seat (here)…
…and it’s getting to the point where, as the song goes a bit, I have so many issues with Mayor Pete that I can’t catalog them all, but I think Cenk, Ana and Emma Vigeland touch on a big one here with Buttigieg and the South Bend, Indiana police force…
…and I would laugh more at this if it weren’t for the fact that our tax dollars are being used to fund this idiocy…
...and here are more seasonal selections.
Monday, December 09, 2019
Monday Stuff
(By the way, I cannot locate for the moment a video on the Pensacola Navy shooting and the suspect in custody who's apparently a radicalized Saudi – at least, I can’t track one down that doesn’t include Mango Mussolini – but I’ll keep trying, and if I can find something, I’ll put it up here.)
Apparently Bill Hemmer is going to get the slot on Fix Noise formerly held by Shep Smith (here), which, as far as I’m concerned, is yet another indicator that what passes for legitimate journalism on that network is on the equivalent of life support with a thread of a pulse (basically, if Chris Wallace goes, they’ve flat lined in that regard)…
…and normally I don’t put up videos of hosts speaking with callers unless they’re particular subject matter experts on something, but I thought this was a great exchange between Thom Hartmann and a gentleman from North Carolina about taxation and the economy of this country vs. Scandinavia (and bless you for supporting expanded health care, Barry)…
…and I know I put up the Michael Brooks video on Hillary Clinton and Howard Stern last Friday, but I happen to know of a particularly ridiculous Twitter spat or two that broke out over the weekend blaming Bernie Sanders for this somehow, and I think David Doel quite rightly brings the receipts on this whole thing, you might say – don’t think I’ve ever seen him so disgusted, and for good reason (and as for Stern, one of the reasons why he may just be the best interviewer out there is that he manages to get scalps, you might say, and he did it here with HRC)…
…and I absolutely cannot let this day pass without wishing a happy 103rd * (!) birthday to a true patriot and hero in our midst, and that would be none other than the one and only Kirk Douglas; he helped to break the Hollywood black list by hiring Dalton Trumbo to write the screen play for this movie (and credit also to Otto Preminger for hiring Trumbo to do the same for Exodus)…
...and it's time once more for some holiday selections.
...and I know I'm a day late with this selection, but I still didn't want to forget it.
Friday, December 06, 2019
Friday Stuff
Every once in awhile Lawrence O’Donnell completely nails it on an issue, and I would say he definitely did that here with Mayor Pete and the latter’s idiocy over the Dems and deficits (all politicians are opportunists I know, but it’s amazing to me in spite of it all what kind of a pass Buttigieg is getting from our corporate media otherwise, which makes O’Donnell’s piece all the more commendable)…
…and I know I’ve given the Clintons a pass a lot of times because I think it was completely deserved (I’m not sure how much you remember, but I remember how they were RELENTLESSLY ATTACKED for all 8 years of President Clinton’s term, usually for utter nonsense), and I think Michael Brooks needs to look a bit more at the context of the Clinton Administration trying to get ANYTHING done with the Dole/Gingrich Repug congress of that era, but I also think he’s fundamentally right to criticize them on the issues of crime and welfare reform (Should the legislation have been passed? Hindsight is 20-20 I know and maybe there were good goals and intentions at the time, but I’d like to see more self-examination and criticism from the Clintons on that)…all of that being said, I should tell you that my grace period, if you will, for HRC just ended with a thud over her recent interview on Howard Stern (the guy is funny at times as far as I’m concerned, though usually I don’t care to hear him – however, only an idiot would argue that he isn’t formidable at his job)…to me, she didn’t really attack Bernie Sanders directly but just treated him and his candidacy with some kind of effete disregard, as if she was trying to swat a fly, which may actually be worse than attacking him – given what I just said about the Clintons and the 90s, you would think they would understand the importance of the Sanders campaign…I think Brooks also makes a good point about how she took three years too long to appear on Stern’s program, when maybe appearing during the ’16 campaign would have made her more approachable to people somehow…amazing to me that HRC has either forgotten or somehow didn’t know about Sanders’s appearances for her during when she was the nominee – she was poorly served but she also shot herself in the foot too, and this is an example of that (also, there's a brief swear word at the very end FWIW)…
Update 12/7/19: I know this may come as a shock, but Sanders actually has plans for how he would fund his proposals (here is an example, in response to this).
Keep digging, Hillz.
...and here are more seasonal selections, starting with a number that I probably should have had in the past also, but here it is now.
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Thursday Stuff
Awww, it looks like Generalissimo Trump haz a sad at the recent NATO conference, with Justin Trudeau getting in his shots; yes, they’re all acting like a bunch of heathers, as it were, I know, but hey, if you want to play with the big boys and girls, this is the way it is (and I’m sure Our Treasonous, Tiny Handed Orange Dictator will run crying to Fix Noise over it all eventually)…
…and the prior clip was comically stupid, but this one is positively infuriating; Cenk, Ana and Emma Vigeland (whose anger is totally justified) tell us that George Zimmerman is suing the family of Trayvon Martin…yeah, you read that right (and yeah, hold up Larry Klayman and Joel Gilbert to be publicly excoriated over it too - more here; the next time you hear somebody criticize Black Lives Matter, show them this clip)…
...and I don't know about you, but I definitely need some seasonal tunes as a palate cleanser of sorts, especially after that last item.
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Wednesday Stuff
David Doel presents a CNN clip of Bernie Sanders supporters in Kentucky – yes, you read that right; and yes, as Doel points out, if our news organizations with initials for names were truly doing their jobs, this wouldn’t be one bit surprising…
…and I have to give our former ol’ buddy Vlad Putin props here for not appearing to pull the strings on our Repug politicians, including the Gropenfuhrer of course (here)…
…and it must be nice to have so much leftover $$ to spend stupidly like this (that is, Chris Hayes and Nick Confessore tell us about the sales of Uday Trump Jr.’s book)…
…and in a way, I didn’t want to highlight the garbage from this Daniella Stella person against Dem U.S. House Rep Ilhan Omar, but I think that she (Stella I mean) and this other monster named Patrick Carlineo need to be called out (God, parts of this country are truly sick – more on Stella is here; what a charming individual)…
...and here are more seasonal selections.
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
Tuesday Stuff
Sam Seder and the Majority Report crew tell us that “Bedbug Bret” Stephens of The Old Gray Lady leapt to the defense of billionaires again recently here…
…and Kyle brings us this report from The Intercept about protestors charged with “felony rioting” in AZ when they exercised their lawful right of free speech (more here)…
…and Farron Cousins tells us about how Gym Jordan and the rest of the U.S. House Repugs just released their 123-page fantasy report exonerating the Gropenfuhrer…and yeah, I would say it’s a bit premature also for them to be concocting this dreck…
…and I thought this was a reasonable take by our friends to the north on why Sen. Kamala Harris just dropped out of the Democratic presidential race, even though I don’t see a path for Amy Klobuchar either; for whatever my take on this is worth, I write this off to “death by centrism” and Bloomberg/Steyer/”insert your millionaire candidate name here” big money…
Update: What Mr. Pierce sez here (may need to subscribe)...
...and here are some more seasonal selections.
Monday, December 02, 2019
Monday Stuff
John I. and Brooke Thomas of “The Damage Report” push back on the “do-nothing Dems” idiocy from the Gropenfuhrer in light of the impeachment proceedings (and why am I not the least bit surprised that AOC has been so productive?)…
…and nice job by DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake to tell Fix Noise humanoid Bill Hemmer just how unconscionable he and his network of cretins really are (speaking of pushing back…and yeah, looks like somebody was “triggered,” you might say, and it wasn’t Blake)…
...and here's the first batch of holiday selections (playing with this list a bit).
Friday, November 29, 2019
Friday Stuff
Farron Cousins tells us that Generalissimo Trump got a bit of a temporary reprieve recently from the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR in the matter of handing over his tax returns to the U.S. House Dems (and yeah, it’s truly scary to contemplate that The Supremes could give a ruling that would make our orange nightmare a dictator for real – never, EVER vote for Repugs, people; that’s the only way to try and stop this garbage)…
…and Ana, Jayar Jackson and Adrienne Lawrence tell us about the latest Trumpian numbskull, some life form named Clarence Mason Weaver (can't imagine what it takes to dig up characters like this misogynist a-hole, and hopefully I never will)…
…and this tells us about ICE and the fake Michigan university they came up with to lure people in so they could be deported - I think our corporate media in this country was a little slow to report on this since I found some YouTube clips from overseas that were months older...aside from the typically stupid Trumpster cruelty behind this, nonsense like this is only going to accelerate the "brain drain" of foreign students choosing to study elsewhere, with some of them likely becoming entrepreneurs who will create tomorrow's jobs in other countries instead of here…
…and leading into overseas-related stuff, this NYT clip tells us that Mango Mussolini wants to save the oil from Syria of course (saying the quiet part out loud again), but our military is trying to defeat the reconstituted version of ISIS, with their metaphorical hands tied a bit somewhat by our Russian Operative in An Oval Office…
…and in a related vein, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less), and this time we’re only going around the block to 11/28 last year, with Kyle K. reporting on the Yemen Massacre (more here – an update is here)…
…and Thom Hartmann speaks with journalist Jamal Abdi – Iran, Lebanon and Iraq are apparently experiencing turmoil (I have no faith whatsoever that the imbeciles in charge of our federal government have a clue as to what could come next, which is all the more terrifying)…
…returning to this country and lightening things up a bit, Ali Velshi gives us a bit of a history lesson involving FDR when it comes to the holiday we just observed (and of course, The Gropenfuhrer is trying to exploit it as per usual)…
…and given that it’s Black Friday, I guess it really is that time of year again – dear God.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving 2019

...and here's another holiday fave, with an intro by Seth MacFarlane as Stewie Griffin (and again, the captions make this hilarious as far as I'm concerned)...
...and here's more holiday fun...
...and I kind of liked this also (hat tip for this to Daily Kos)...
...and here's a Thanksgiving message for those wonderful folks at the TSA.
Update 1: And here is another late addition.
Update 2: Might as well add this too.
Update 3: Imagine all the people that can be fed for $35 grand (here, getting serious for a minute).
Update 4: And since I add to this list every year, I might as well include this too (hasta la vista, baby!).
Update 5: And I suppose this is an apropos item for the era of the Gropenfuhrer.
…and thank goodness the “culture warriors” of Fix Noise are trying to protect the holiday (more here)…
…and I guess this is an appropriate tune for the day...
…and you know what? The John Hiatt tune is great IMHO, but here is another one that fits in as far as I'm concerned.
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