Saturday, January 06, 2018

Saturday Stuff

Kudos to Jimmy Kimmel for holding Generalissimo Trump up for the ridicule he deserves here; as people smarter than I have already said, if the Trumpsters were looking for ways to avoid publicity for the book, this wasn’t the way to do it (and “Fifty Shades of Orange” - hilarious)…

…and I thought this was a great “A” block from Rachel Maddow about how the Repugs on Capitol Hill have done all they can to blow up any possibility of investigating #StableGenius and his pals for the likely crime of collusion with a hostile foreign power in our election two years ago - leave it Huckleberry Graham and Grassley to go after the only person who did the right thing in this mess…

…and as Kyle K. tells us, the typical political suspects want doctors to force-drug-test you…figures (NSFW)…

…and here is the latest in another country pursuing common sense clean energy initiatives, as opposed to us of course…

…and here are more patriotic millionaires (“beacon of greed” for sure)…

…and I’m sorry it took a while to get around to this great tune from Little Steven (has kind of a “Southside Johnny” feel to it, which is cool).

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