Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Stuff

I watch this clip, and I almost feel sorry for Bill Maher (here, though I’m sure I know what he would tell me to do with my pity if I ever told him that).

Yes, critical commentary like this on religious zealotry is fair game, I realize, particularly with so much intolerance on this subject that currently exists in this country (and probably always will). However, I don’t know if he’s ever featured someone like, say, Sister Simone Campbell on “Real Time” to discuss how meaningful Christian activism can be on behalf of those who are underprivileged in this country. The bureaucracy and hard-headedness by “the faithful” will be forever with us, but so will the power of good works…and as always with "Real Time," NSFW...

…and Jonathan Capehart gives Mr.-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv the treatment he deserves here (and this is well done also for this day in particular)…

…and this is a special St. Patrick’s Day request from The Teenaged One from the movie “Gods and Generals”; this is the theme in the film for the Irish Brigade that fought so courageously at the Battle of Fredericksburg, which turned out to be a particularly horrific loss for the Union due to incredibly poor planning, among other reasons…

…and here is a request from yours truly for personal reasons – posting may be sporadic for a little while…I’ll let you know.

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