Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Stuff

Here's Muntadhar Al-Zaydi in action once more, for the benefit of the six people on this earth who haven't seen this clip; Dennis of the OOIBC has a good post here, and to sign a petition, click here...

...the actor playing Dubya doesn't look much like him, but he does have the voice down somewhat - yep, he's going to be a pissant to the very end (here)...

Update 12/17/08: He has a soul? Color me shocked! (here)

...seasonal stuff now: here's Frank Sinatra singing "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas," featuring Cary Grant in "The Bishop's Wife," "Room For One More," "Indiscreet," "In Name Only," "Penny Serenade," and "Night and Day"...

...and from the sublime to the ridiculous we go; here's "Song Of Joy" by The Burping Snowmen (I think I need a "bicarb" too, actually).

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