Monday, December 15, 2008

A Monday Meta Post

(God, this stuff is boring I know, but I should say it all the same.)

As a courtesy to those of you who take time from your day to read what the late George Carlin would probably call my “brain droppings” (and as always, thanks for that), I should point out that I honestly don’t know what’s going to be happening after 1/20/09.

Oh, I don’t expect that there will be a dropoff in what would qualify as posting material, but I must tell you that it gets kind of repetitive pointing out the stupidity of people like Bill Kristol, Rick Santorum, Christine Flowers, Kevin Ferris, etc. week after week, when in reality all they do is repeat variations on the same “zombie lies” (as Atrios calls them) no matter how many times you refute them. At least, I hope my responses have been somewhat interesting given my efforts to combat their innuendo, smears and other types of misinformation with actual facts.

Just to give you an idea of what passes for my editorial decision making when it comes to posting content, I’ll just point out that I decided to refute the wingnut Gerecht over at Wordpress today because the lie he was trying to propagate – namely, that Bill Clinton practiced extraordinary rendition also – was one that I found to be particularly odious. On the other hand, Kristol today basically blamed the failure of the automaker loan to pass last week on “environmentalists” and “limousine liberals”; the stupid was so thick that it would’ve taken all day for me to separate it from about two lonely pieces of actual truth that I found buried beneath it all. And for all my efforts, he’ll just likely return next Monday with more of the same, maybe even worse.

First and foremost, though, the purpose of this site for the three and a half years or so that I’ve been maintaining it (God, that long??) has been to serve as a means of responding to Bushco’s lies, misinformation, malfeasance and ineptitude in various forms. As I might have mentioned to someone at some point, I basically snapped on or about June 2005 and realized that I had to do SOMETHING as my means has allowed, and for better or worse, this has been it (I think this speech is what finally did it).

So I may end up by choice or by means beyond my control focusing more on activity that actually generates revenue, or the posts may continue as before, though I have a feeling it will be more a case of the former than the latter. I’ll keep you informed on this stuff as best as I can; I honestly don’t completely know myself. And again, thanks for sticking around.


Anonymous said...

I discovered you late. I have so enjoyed reading your "droppings" and I truly know how consuming this must have been. I was posting to the courier times blogs but learned the hard way some people are not only stupid but they just want to be gnats.
The world of stupid will go on, one can only hope they self destruct.
I find I have to take a break from it all just to save my sanity.
I pray all goes well after the 20th of January so at the end of 4 years a compilation of all the stupid comments and dire predictions is on the KO show and KO can tell those who uttered them to eat their words. (Or maybe I will see it here)

Whatever direction you go in...I wish you well.

doomsy said...

If you were posting to the Courier Times blogs, then you're more forbearing than I am. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who just concocts random observations on a regular basis without sourcing or trying to further the argument in an intelligent way isn't "blogging." There have been a few times I thought I had something to say about a particular topic, and I'd put together a post and suddenly realize that I was doing absolutely nothing but echoing someone else 100 percent (I try to label my "echo posts" up front so people know, and I try not to make them a habit). It's a drag to put something together like that and realize it's utterly bogus and then decide not to publish it, but it happens. I'm just trying to be a little different, come what may.

And again, I'm not close to a point where I have to make a decision - yet - but I just can't see this blog totally as a vehicle 100 percent for any one politician (as I noted earlier, though, Chuck Pennacchio could be an exception), and I also don't want to fill up my posts refuting right-wing nonsense all try; I'm always going for a balance of refuting the particularly outrageous stuff and trying to inform in a way that most people wouldn't hear about otherwise. And of course, to call out the Bush-related BS, which again will dissipate greatly after that blessed day when he is FINALLY gone.

All the same, thanks a lot for the good words - I appreciate it.

doomsy said...

(All "day" I mean instead of all "try" - clicked on publish instead of preview...still trying to get the hang of this after all this time:-)

daveawayfromhome said...

My first post was a rail at Bush's idea of teaching ID in the classroom. I'd just simply had enough.
I keep hitting the wall you seem to have hit, when boredom and repetition and, I suspect, weariness with the whole business sets in. Usually, I make an announcement that I'll be posting less, and follow this with a spate of posts. Blogging can really get into your blood.

Word verification, interestingly: "prides"

doomsy said...

You're right - sometimes I feel like I need a transfusion.