Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday Stuff

Bye, Ted...

...and as I said, Dana Perino will argue that water isn't wet unless she's covered in it over her head; here, she tells the White House press corps that Bushco didn't torture - uhh, no...

...and just for the record, Paul Krugman provides a minute-or-so history lesson in The Great Depression and pretty much "schools" George Will in the process (and fortunately, the video faded out before Cokie Darling could blather on in barely coherent fashion, probably about how great "free" trade really is)...

...and like many of you, I continue to be repulsed by the shameless cowardice of Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader for allowing Joe Lieberman to remain in charge of the Homeland Security Committee (so down with kos on this), and the only song I could think of to truly capture how I felt was "Nowhere Man" by The Beatles, so here it is (the video makes fun of Dubya, which is deserved but is a bit off-topic at the moment - I was probably influenced by the fact that I'm currently reading Larry Kane's fine book "Ticket To Ride" about the 1964 tour).

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