Friday, August 22, 2008

The “One And Done” McBush Myth

I really have to wonder how seriously the freeper faithful out there are willing to rally behind John W. McBush as he tries to remember how many houses he has takes a stab at he and his wife’s net worth tells us why he wasn’t in the “cone of silence” at Saddleback runs for president.

This occurred to me as I glanced over Peggy Noonan’s latest diatribe against Barack Obama and the Democrats (echoing the line that Obama’s accomplishments are supposedly no big deal) and then saw this U-turn in her column…

Mr. McCain told Politico on Wednesday that he's not considering a one-term pledge.

(This is) a move that would help him win doubtful voters, win disaffected Democrats, allow some Republicans to not have to get drunk to vote for him, and that could possibly yield real results for his country. This seems to me such a potentially electrifying idea that he'd likely walk out of his convention as the future president.

And Mr. McCain would still have what he always wanted, the presidency, perhaps a serious and respectable one that accrued special respect because it involved some sacrifice on his part.
(Note: I purposely inverted the order of the paragraphs in the WSJ piece because I think it reads better that way.)

Wow, what a glowing endorsement from “Nooners” here, huh, people? Can anybody fill me in on the latest numbers from that powerful “not have to get drunk to vote for him” Repug demographic?

Those oh-so-enlightened and utterly-consumed-with-themselves “values voters” out there want nothing more from McBush than to name one of their own as the veep. And they wouldn’t give a fig if the “straight-talk express” permanently went off track and ended up in That Big Rail Yard In The Sky during his term so their favored No. 2 would take over (a group that would include this guy), spurring them to life once more as they seek to abolish Roe v. Wade and thus criminalize women seeking abortions and their medical providers, to say nothing of herding LGBT individuals into pens where they could be identified, tagged, and scheduled for “Christian reindoctrination” back to heterosexuality.

Most politicians are patsies for special interests of one type or another, but McBush falls egregiously into that category to the point where he would do nothing but prolong our current misery, or likely exacerbate it. And regardless of whether or not he named “one of the faithful” as his running mate, I predict that, in the event of a McBush term in office (God help us), his V.P. would mount a primary challenge to him anyway four years from now, “one-term pledge” from McBush or not (and the right-wing stirring out there over the whole “one term” thing, including that from “Nooners,” a reliable “weather vane” of sorts regarding their intentions, is a tipoff).

Update: Oh, by the way, I should start displaying this every time McBush commits a gaffe, so get ready to see it a lot.

(Image credit: tbctbc - hat tip to Kagro X at The Daily Kos)

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