Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Stuff

I thought this was a great response to the latest neocon war cry...

...and I always have to work extra hard controlling my gag reflex when John W. McBush tries to tell us how he thinks we should live our lives...

...and yep, K.O. lays it on McBush again; a tour de force of ineptitude by his campaign...

...and K.O. again 'splains how Dubya and his pals are turning this country into "an embryonic police state"; better turn off the damn Olympics and wake up and watch this stuff, people!

(And speaking of Dubya, MoDo "found the nut" in her New York Times column yesterday - nice work for a change.)


Anonymous said...

Speaking of McBush telling us how to tells us the the McBush health plan includes imposing income tax on medical benefits if they are employer provided.
We need to hear more.

doomsy said...

Indeed - good catch on that...I'll plan to have a look myself.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with a question about a candidates statement can actually submit a question to and get an answer. I did this re the tax on medical benefits.
The link is on the home page.