Well, despite the fact that this is emblematic of the party mascot, I’d like to propose that the GOP make available instead the following stuffed toys, which provide a much better glimpse into what the party supports and why…
These three little goodies can be yours, but only if you act now while supplies last!Dubya The Gray Whale – Named in “honor” of the individual who has continued to wage war on our environment, with the gray whale being one of the endangered species facing a greater threat of extinction as a result of more “back door” changes in environmental regulations proposed by President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History. Boehner The Bat – Only a true bloodsucker would oppose congressional measures aimed at animal protection, but Boehner (pronounced “bo-ner”) and 30 of his primarily Repug pals (with the odious exception of “Democrat” Dan Boren) have done exactly that, as James Wolcott tells us here. Mitt The Irish Setter – In honor of all the animals who still need to be adopted in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (and don’t worry – if you cage this stuffed animal and put it on the roof of your car, it won’t do what Romney’s dog did for real, as noted here).
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