Tuesday, April 22, 2008

By The Way, Any Takers For The Blimp?

(You know, the thing I posted about here…)

This article tells us that Dr. Ron Paul appeared at the University of Montana’s UC Ballroom in Missoula yesterday, spouting lines like “the opposite of liberty is big government,” as well as preaching once more that he wants to abolish the personal income tax.

And he’ll get the opportunity to do that when I lead the first manned space mission to the planet Venus.

Further, this tells us that some of the “Paulistas” have further cemented their support for the only Republican presidential candidate to oppose the Iraq war by casting their lot with a certain presidential nominee named John Sidney McCain III.

Uh…wasn’t the entire point of Paul’s candidacy to oppose Washington insiders like “Senator Honor And Virtue”?

And D-Mac at Philadelphia Will Do tells us here that, despite the fact that Dr. Paul was, at one time, the candidate with the most military donations among either party (here), a mock election was held at the Robert K. Shafer Middle School in Bensalem, PA. and Paul did not receive a single vote.

Who knew that those kids don’t want to abolish OSHA or the Federal Reserve and opposed guns in our schools (all noted here)?

Sadly, I think this is a trend that will not be reversed by a massive “Google-bomb” campaign (though I’m still waiting to find out what will happen to Paul’s massive war chest considering that it’s only going to be used to tilt at the proverbial windmills from now on).

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