Next, we have Markos citing Edwards' "stalling effort" and claiming that "this may be the last week of the Edwards campaign" if he doesn't win South Carolina (here - it's crucial I'll admit and doesn't look good at the moment, but the primary will be held on the 26th, so we'll see). In fact, Edwards has stated that he's in for "the long haul" (here, though I can assure you that I will acknowledge it if Markos turns out to be right).
And also, we have this post from Markos where he alleges that Obama's supporters ridiculed the Edwards supporters, though there is no link or further information to back up that charge.
All of this is starting to cause concern with yours truly, not only concerning Markos (is he trying to horn his way into the punditocracy somehow, though I'll admit that he'd be more informed than most of the other clueless morons in that bunch?) but concerning Obama also.
As I noted here, the senator from Illinois has this disturbing habit of lapsing into Republican-style language in such a manner that it could be interpreted that he's embracing their talking points from time to time. There are many reasons why this is bad, but one is that it ignores the history of his own party when it come to using government benevolently to better our lives; making our water safe to drink, our air safe to breathe, our planes safe to fly in, etc. (and despite her other virtues, I know HRC has some pretty heavy baggage also when it comes to what you might call her "crossover" connections to the dark side, certainly in terms of fundraising for starters).
And I hardly think that John Edwards is "an ass" for calling Obama on it (also, this "inclusion" argument from Obama implying that he's somehow above this fray is incredibly naive; that sounds nice, but only a fool shows up to a gun fight with a knife).
Also, I'll be honest with you; as in all things, you should have a plan "B," and in the event that John Edwards doesn't make it, I naturally assumed I would work for Obama until a nominee is decided, but that is not at all certain now after witnessing all of this.
No matter what Markos says.
Update 1 1/21/08: Julian Epstein must read The Daily Kos (here).
Update 2 1/21/08: Once again, The Shrill One explains it all.
i think the comment about markos "worming his way into the punditocracy" is spot-on... now that he's a regular contributor to both "the hill" and to "newsweek," i think he's abandoned any pretense of representing "out-of-the-box," disturbing-to-the-elites viewpoints, and, rather, is jumping onboard with the ilk he so often claims to militate against... imho, his credibility and integrity would be much stronger if he had stuck with the forum his site provides him, and hadn't succumbed to the blandishments and ego-stroking offered by big-time media exposure... i can no longer read anything he writes without putting that frame around it... a shame, really...
Absolutely, it is, but I think that's a totally realistic assessment - thanks.
Markos is a self-agrandizing opportunist fool.
That's a little further than I would go, but I acknowledge your point. Sometimes I wonder, though, if he's having trouble controlling "the monster he has unleashed" and at this point is trying to stay relevant at his own site. He has some truly great writers such as Kagro X, DHinMI, Meteor Blades, Devilstower, BarbinMD and georgia10 posting, and it's my opinion (for whatever it's worth) that THEY are producing the content that truly matters there any more.
Somehow, with our constitution in the balance and war without end raging in Iraq, the matter of how much Mark Warner has outraised or out-pointed Jim Gilmore in some public opinion poll in Virginia (both running for John Warner's soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat as far as I know) doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot in the scheme of things, and Markos' strength is in the nuts and bolts of political ops so that's logically what he posts about, and he usually ends up over his head when he strays from that.
He posted something last night while he was in transit that looked like nothing but aimless ramblings about where he and the site have been and what he's up to, and I thought "Who gives a crap about this?"
And of course, he's been so sympathetic personally to all of the "Impeach Bush and Cheney" posts as we know...not!
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