For all of the wingnuttia on that paper's Op-Ed pages - and there's plenty of it again today - the Courier Times at least makes the effort to publish progressive voices like Dave as well as Gene Lyons, Paul Campos, Jim Hightower on occasion and others (as opposed to the Inquirer, which is just about beyond any hope as far as I'm concerned).
I read this article and was pleased it made it into the CT. I know there are solutions. I know that the whole malpractice issue was used by politicians for political gain. If one reads the white paper by the Weiss Rating Company on this one learns how the industry really works and does not work.
I find it very sad that in this country anyone would take umbrage over another citizen getting assistance with insurance. The hypocrisy is palpable when someone with insurance claims it is socialism to provide insurance for those who can't afford it while the insureds enjoy their Medicare,their company subsidized insurance, their union group insurance, their self funded insurance, and Social Security income.
Do these people really think when insurance pays out thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars for high tech surgery and care, transplants, bypasses, that the premiums they paid fully cover this and are not subsidized by fellow insureds? When you buy insurance you are in a pool. If we truly were responsible for our own insurance to fully cover our own needs we could not afford it. There are solutions and no one in the greatest country in the world should be denied insurance or denied coverage for a procedure and left to die while the appeal process grinds on.
Google: Weiss Ratings medical malpractice
The white paper they published in 03 was mind boggling.
This is the supreme source for business ratings. The politicians are funded by the insurance industry which is why we are in this mess.
I'll check out that white paper; I'm in wholehearted agreement with you. Thanks.
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