Thursday, May 10, 2007

Not A Lark-O For "Sarko"

As incoming French president Nicolas Sarkozy prepares to take over in a country where labor unions hold such critical power (not taking a stand on that one way or the other, just making an observation), look for some kind of a battle a la Margaret Thatcher versus Great Britain’s coal miners in 1984 (as noted here) as part of the attempt by “Sarko” to gain control (I would also draw a comparison to Reagan’s firing of the air traffic controllers – just because he was allowed to do it by law doesn’t mean that it was a smart move). And given Sarkozy’s past antagonism displayed towards Africans and Arabs in the 2005 riots (as noted here), it would be foolish not to anticipate more of the same.

I will admit that it is way too early to determine how all of this will play out. My main reason for mentioning this is to try and rein in some of this country’s freeper pundits who are waxing orgiastic over Sarkozy’s victory.

And I think the coverage of the French election between Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal showed more maturity than something we would be subjected to in this country in one regard; according to this New York Times report, there has been marital difficulty between Sarkozy and his wife, including a highly-publicized affair between her and another man, and her absence during Sarkozy’s victory has been noted (the couple have a son who, according to the Times report, should be 10 or 11 by now).

Gee, with the mother of their child absent, then I guess Smerky should have flown over to chide him and tell him how he can’t devote himself to political office without being a good father, right?

And by the way, Sarko, I was serious the other day when I said it was time for France to send troops to Iraq. That's the least one conservative "dawg" can do for his American homey Dubya, n'est-ce pas?

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