Thursday, May 03, 2007

Joe Didn't Know, Again

I want to give Joe Biden credit for saying the Dems in Congress were going to “shove (the Iraq Supplemental) down (Dubya’s) throat” prior to the inevitable veto, but I really can’t, because once again, it shows utter tone-deafness from a man who has no shot whatsoever at the presidency (and if there is one thing we absolutely do not need, it’s another tone-deaf Democrat).

It’s nice to see a spine from him on this, but what good is language like that if you can’t back it up (with Washington Post reporters Jonathan Weisman and Shailagh Murray reporting today that the Dems remain “deeply divided” on what to do to respond to the veto, though the Repugs sound like they’re hardly on the same page either).

Update: Hey now, isn’t THIS interesting? Ready to print a retraction for today’s headline, Inky?

Here’s a news flash for our esteemed corporate media: the real story here is that George Dumbya Bush continues to disregard the will of the vast majority of the people of this country who hate him and hate this war (and gee, how nice that our “friends” have secret agendas of their own).

Blaming the Democrats for not fixing Bushco’s mess is, to me, like someone who had too much to drink getting sick and heaving into the toilet, but blaming the castor oil instead of the quantity of booze because the medicine upsets his stomach.

And also, I’m down with what Jonathan Singer says here (h/t Atrios). And I don’t know what the answer is, because I admit that I don’t have much experience dealing with crazy people (in politics, anyway); maybe a shorter-term funding bill to make The Boy King keep returning to this issue, forcing him to keep rejecting withdrawal dates over and over and over to help ensure an override of his veto one day; also, to ensure his infamous place in the history books (to say nothing of impeachment) if for no other reason.

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