Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Then They Came For The Idiot Columnists

This is all sooo last weekend, I know, but I have to put in my two cents on Smerky’s latest assault on respectable journalism here.

I’m chiming in also because of our hero’s little “cowardly critics” jibe, aimed at yours truly I suppose, assuming I’m high enough on the blogger food chain, as it were, which I’ll admit is debatable, but that’s OK. But even if I’m not, Media Matters for America certainly is, and Roger Ailes has an appropriate response here, via Atrios (and no, we’re not talking about that Roger Ailes).

And going after Media Matters for this post is what Smerky is really up to here, make no mistake, though, first, he must note all of his oh so impressive experience in talk radio and tell us every other stinking thing he’s ever done to communicate how much better he thinks he is than us.

Oooo, I’m soooo scared, Smerky! Can’t you just feel me quaking in fear as I type this?

Our esteemed blogger/journalist/columnist/barking radio head/unquestioning shill and lickspittle for the freeper agenda then attempts to respond to the three citations from Media Matters; the first is “the sissification of America,” according to Smerky.

Oh, and political correctness is just absolutely going to lead to the death of America, as we all know. We should just read Smerky’s book and find out the reason why, of course!

And isn’t it funny but yet pathetically sad how Smerky can take it upon himself to speak for Nicholas Berg even though O'Reilly and other winger "fellow travelers" think it's appropriate to berate Berg's father Michael, who advocates the opposite of what they do, of course (though I think Michael Berg and Cindy Sheehan, though fundamentally right, are acting partly out of a grief impulse that I pray I, for one, never have to experience, but is their right to do so).

In the next citation, Smerky says that Muslim men who were observed praying near a food stand at Giants Stadium engaged in “a form of terrorism in itself” (of course, Smerky’s real concern here is that it might make Poppy Bush wait too long to get a soda and a hot dog).

I have a question: just how crazed are we supposed to get in this country in the process of imagining every conceivable threat before we do something stupid against a person we don’t like that ends up being legally actionable? Hey, if worse comes to worst, you notify security and let them handle it.

Finally, we have Smerky’s response to his words that could be interpreted to mean that he’s telling Asian women to stay home instead of educate themselves or else they won’t be able to instill lessons of success in their kids (or something like that..??).

I think our hero here is more guilty of confused thinking than anything else, though a reasonable person could assume that he’s playing to a stereotype. Basically, he just shouldn’t touch this issue unless he’s going to admit the role that the extended families play for people of cultures that don’t share a white Protestant or northern European ethnicity (yes, many of us have extended families also, but it’s different when your ancestry goes back relatively further than many Asian Americans).

Yes, the three Smerky citations weren't as incendiary as the other nonsense cited by Media Matters; Smerky is usually more clever than goons like Michael Savage and Glenn Beck. However, I don't think someone who has said that single-parent families pose a greater threat to our safety than guns and has openly heckled Roger Waters at a concert because Waters objected to the loss of habeas corpus rights suffered by "enemy combatants" is entitled to cry "oh, help me, I'm a rich, white conservative who's being repressed by that bad liberal media again."

Go write another self-pitying book about all of this, Smerky. I’m sure you’ll make lots more money from your gullible admirers.

By the way, on a wholly other note, I can see a point where I might have to slow down blogging activity for a little while - I'm not sure exactly how long. This is due to other stuff going on that I'll try to take care of as soon as I can.

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