Friday, April 20, 2007

Harry Hammers The "Wall Of Denial"

Kudos to Harry Reid for providing some “straight talk,” if you will, concerning Iraq.

And while Repug chickenhawks like Mitch McConnell squawk predictably that what Reid said is somehow hurting our troops more than the clueless execution of something approximating a war strategy that has totally failed (and this story, linked to by Atrios yesterday, hammers the last nail into the “we’ll stand down when Iraqis stand up” coffin), the U.S. military continues to wall off portions of Iraq in an effort to stem the violence in the civil war.

Funny, but with all due respect to our service people, this sounds to me like the strategy of MBNA Senator Joe Biden, who proposed partitioning off Iraq by religious and ethnic groups last year (a weak idea, but preferable to what we have now).

Update: mcjoan at The Daily Kos has more.

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