Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You Can’t Run And Hide, Joe

I guess I really should provide a score card since there are a few “Joe’s” out there these days, including Admiral Joe Sestak and The Usurper Joe Lieberman, but for this time around, let’s take a look at Joe Pitts over at the 16th Congressional District (yes, we have to – sorry).

Do you know that this guy has thus far refused Lois Herr’s invitation for a single debate (sponsored by the League of Women Voters)? I guess this is what happens when a career politician becomes completely isolated from his constituents and wilts in the face of actual competition for his job.

What’s the matter, Joe? Are you afraid to be held accountable for your putrid voting record?

Update 9/25: Lois will debate Pitts on Oct. 11 at 12:30 at the Farm & Home Center in Manheim Township. The debate is sponsored by the Lancaster Rotary Club, and the cost of $12 includes lunch. Attendance is limited to members of the Rotary and their guests.

Let’s send all the “bloggy goodness” that we can in Lois’ direction and help as our means allow. She’s fighting the good fight for all of us. And there are just too many Repugs in government like Pitts for us to pass up this chance to support a fighter who wants to send him packing.


Tak Kak said...


Thanks for another good dust-up of ol' Pancake Joe.

I didn't get around to doing my own posting over at DKos yet, but Lois has her Iraq position statement posted and I left a comment which links back to a few of your great posts.


doomsy said...


That's awesome that Lois was able to get a diary posted on The Daily Kos, and thanks a whole bunch for the plugs (as it says at the bottom of the right column, this site is "the little engine that could").

I'll keep out a wary eye and do what I can for Lois (and I hope and pray "Pancake Joe" gives me some more ammunition - I'm sure he will).