Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Crazy Curt Weldon Strikes Again

First it was this Able Danger business which couldn’t stand up, then the guy gets duped by the Moonies, and now he’s trashing his congressional opponent for maintaining a residence outside of PA (of course, that NEVER happens with Pennsylvania Repug politicians…right?).

(And by the way, Atrios tells us the very poignant reason why Sestak lives out of state which Weldon conveniently ignores…I shouldn’t call people names on this site, but I’m really tempted to break that rule in Weldon’s case).

To help Joe Sestak, click here.

Update 4/7: I guess it's OK for family members to be involved if you're a Repug, right Crazy Curt? What an embarrassment (sorry I hadn't been bugging this guy before now).

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