Saturday, June 10, 2023

Saturday Stuff (updates)

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the unsealed multiple count indictment against Our Ochre Abomination for his mishandling (to put it mildly at this point) of classified docs (God almighty, in bathrooms, storage closets, and on and on)..and yeah, when you’ve lost Jonathan Turley, who emerged as a Trump apologist, then when it comes to legal punditry, you’re pretty much toast...

Update 1: Et tu, Rachel? (here).

Update 2: Actually, in a weird way, the Gropenfuhrer is right here, but the tears were from laughter over what a big, dumb, traitorous lummox he is.

Update 3: Yeah, I think this says it.

Update 6/11/23: At this point, I'm tempted to ask what need we have of a trial (here).

...and Thom Hartmann tells us more on the same subject, including the fact that #45 admitted on one of his stinking golf courses that he had classified intel, despite his claim that he thought he declassified the docs, which he can’t do anyway (a claim he made during that Sean Inanity interview included in the Cohen clip)... and I’m not surprised that our energy criminals knew the dangers to the climate in 1949, but it is still shocking...

Update 6/13/23: Actually, I think Thom was wrong about the year; according to this, it was 1959.

...and speaking of climate matters, David Doel discusses Marjorie Trailer Park Greene, who strikes again on the Canadian wildfires, blaming “climate cult Canada” which wants to extract 173 billion barrels of oil according to Justin Trudeau, since that country is so “green” on energy of course, though we don’t have room to be snippy on that subject either (and I know the GW Bridge footage is a couple of days old)...mildly NSFW/H...

...and sticking with that train wreck from Georgia, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us that the GA-14 rep also doesn’t know about Glass Steagall, which (as Sam points out) was a Depression-era law separating commercial and investment banks, and it also created the FDIC (more is here on how Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin led the repeal of the law in 1998 and was rewarded with a plumb job at Citigroup, through there were multiple attempts to kill G-S, including plenty from the other side of the aisle..oh, and I guess Greene doesn’t know about a whole bunch of stuff that happened in this country before 1974, then, including this...mildly NSFW/H also)...

...and when it comes to know-nothing Repugs, we really can’t leave Bo-Bo Boebert out of the discussion, now can we...Jesse Dollemore tells us how Vote Vets is commendably going after her (to help Boebert’s opponent next year, Adam Frisch, who almost knocked her off last year, click here)...

Update 6/11/23: More here.

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that it looks like Merck’s CEO is butt hurt over Medicare being able to negotiate prices for some prescription drugs as of 2026...I have a feeling that part of the reason for the wingnut outrage here is that our side is taking a page from their playbook and trying to push open the pro-consumer, anti-capitalist “door,” if you will, only slightly, but the corporatist stooges at Merck and their fellow travelers expect that we’ll do what they always do when they get a bit of a break, and that is to indeed make a whole lot of somethin’ based on a tiny bit of “not much” (kicking that slightly ajar door wide open, to overwork the metaphor I guess) I watched this, I found myself wondering once more how much goddamn taxpayer $$$ went into “Operation Warp Speed” over COVID under Mango Mussolini and gritting my teeth again over our beyond-paid-off corporate media not doing a damn thing to find that out - and yes, on that subject, CNBC is pretty much pro-corporatist trash and not much else...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us that, apparently, this Doug Burgum person (who seems to be the governor of North Dakota) is running for the Repug nomination for preznit (and yeah, the guy does indeed act like an “AI,” and he also has roughly the same shot at the job as Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, etc. – and of course, he has to make that throwaway remark about “woke,” as if that will actually help him to get 2-3 percent of the vote...way too damn funny)...

...and RIP Chicago jazzman “Redd” Holt; his band proved to be a one-hit wonder way back when with this tune.

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