Thursday, June 08, 2023

Thursday Stuff

As it must for all of us one day, apparently Pat Robertson has now been called to some other plane that we can only speculate about; like you I’m sure, I believe in justice and tolerance in the afterlife for doing good works, so I have no idea what that means for this TYT clip, we get a particularly bonkers take from Robertson on Putin and Ukraine, and how this “man of God” and his ilk see all of this as a way to hasten the “end times”...

Update: And here is someone else who apparently just passed who definitely will not be lamented (didn't know James Watt still drew breath actually...a shame he probably wasn't made to ingest the air today at the George Washington Bridge).

Update 6/17/23: I forgot about Robertson and the "gays caused 911" garbage (here).

...and in news of a less extreme but still dramatic departure, wunderkind Chris Licht is OUTTA HERE at “The Most Trusted Name In News”...interesting revelations in the Tim Alberta piece about the degree of Licht’s megalomania, including the “can Jeff Zucker do this?” thing with the weightlifting...I think it was just a case of Licht sucking up to network boss John Malone at the expense of the people who really made the network’s basically good name, all snark aside...I mean, they could actually “read the room” and see that the media future is progressive since that’s where the “Gen Z” dollars will go, (what $$ they DO have that is), but I just run this dumb little blog, so what the hell do I know?...

...but the big story on Action News, you might say, is the announcement that a certain Treasonous Tiny- Handed Former Preznit was indicted on charges related to his mishandling of those pesky, top secret, classified docs at Mar-a-Lago (here); Beau tells us more about it...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that a Texas sheriff is investigating the first migrant flights from Governor Pudding Fingers, acting as a halfway point from “the land of the yellow rose” to Martha's Vineyard and other points north I believe, to see if laws were broken so he can issue an arrest warrant to Flori-DUUH! guv Ron #DeathSantis (who, as things stand now, remains the runner-up to Combover Caligula for the Repug prez nod next year) nice as that would be (to see #DeathSantis do a "perp walk"), I’m not going to get my hopes up, but you never know...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report give us a bit of a follow-up to the Alex Wagner clip from yesterday...sounds like immigrants are leaving Flori-DUUH! because of #DeathSantis and these idiot state reps supporting SB-1718, a pointlessly cruel anti-immigration measure...these Repug poobahs are apparently now backpedaling, probably because they’re getting heat from agribusinesses and other corporations over losing cheap labor (not that they actually give a damn about the migrants of course...and I know this observation is a bit tangential, and Brian Tyler Cohen is trying to address it, but it tells you something about the incompetence of the national Democratic Party that the Repugs have no problem sending out bilingual messages advertising their garbage like this, but the national Dems seem to constantly slip on metaphorical banana peels when they have to do the same thing...and yes, I understand that the Cuban Latino mindset in that state is entirely different from what you would call the more generic Latino mindset which is a hell of a lot more tolerant...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and there’s a few more minutes left in this time zone for World Oceans Day (impacted by climate change, the Canada fires and the smoky skies of course), so please allow me to present the following tune with that in mind (posting is an issue on Thursdays for a variety of reasons, some of which I may discuss one day).

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