Monday, June 05, 2023

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes gives us some interesting theories IMO on why Mango Mussolini had a top secret doc on Iran in his tiny, grubby little hands, one being that it could have been 45’s way of getting back at Gen. Mark Milley for the latter making sure that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule didn’t end up starting a war with Iran on his way out of the door from An Oval Office...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that the Gropenfuhrer remains massively unpopular according to a Fix Noise poll, and I realize that “No Malarkey Joe” certainly can’t rest on his laurels either (I can’t believe we’re dealing with 2024 polls already, but too many people make too much $ off this circus I know so that’s why it’s getting revved up now); I should add that I completely agree with Cousins that the trend lines are what matter the most...

...and Emma and the Majority Report crew tell us about the recent SCOTUS case ruling against other way to tell that the fix was in is that the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR always hands down their most controversial rulings as they’re getting out of town at the end of the session...the case was Glacier v. Teamsters; as the panel notes, the fact that the High Court decided to hear this at all vs. letting the NLRB handle this was a pretty damn big signal as to the outcome, and as the panel points out, the only one on the SCOTUS who stood tall was KBJ...NSFW/H...and to say we need some kind of a liberal/progressive answer to ALEC, The Federalist Society, and other right-wing garbage organizations is a huge understatement...

...and Mike Figueredo gives us more insight on this alleged “grand bargain” from “Dark Brandon” on the whole debt ceiling mess; Figueredo is absolutely right about how this monstrosity could have been avoided, and there’s really no other conclusion to draw that the majority of U.S. House Dems were in league with “15 Votes for Speaker” McCarthy...and we know what Manchin and Sinema are, but from this point forward, I don’t want to hear one damn word from Jon Tester about “coastal elites” since he voted for the utterly pointless cruelty of inflicting massive student loan debt on borrowers, including retroactive payments (including interest) delayed because of COVID (also NSFW/H)...and yeah, we noted the Glacier decision and the betrayal of Kagan and Sotomayor in the Majority Report clip...I wish Figueredo luck in his fight against YouTube demonetization; if anything makes me say the hell with all of this one day, it would be something technical like that that stops me dead in my tracks (and by the way, don’t you know that Tester sent some Email fundraising spam to me? Maybe the fastest Email deletion I ever made)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us that, apparently, this wingnut “prophet” Lance Wallnau was saying that Dems would get killed in May, along with some Repugs, but – oopsie! – looks like it didn’t happen (and Jesse is definitely right about Right Wing Watch)...

...and RIP Cynthia Weil, who co-wrote a number of hits with spouse Barry Mann, including this one (another legendary songwriting duo, Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, had a hand in this one also).

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