Friday, June 02, 2023

Friday Stuff

Leeja Miller brings us a report on U.S. housing segregation, going back to WWII and “white flight” in the ‘50s along with so-called housing “covenants” that were racist as hell (more on “peonage” is here, as well as the 1968 Fair Housing Act, and here is the case Miller is referring many of you I’m sure, I heard relentlessly about the evils of “Section 8 housing” when I was growing up, so you can consider this clip to be a bit of a response)...

...and it looks like Repug U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville and Trump Jr. are engaged in a contest to find out who has the more limited brain capacity, as Kyle Kulinski tells us, with Tuberville blowing that racist “inner cities” dog whistle loud and clear as Kyle says...that state could have had Doug Jones in the Senate instead of this maroon (and kudos to Tuberville’s brother here)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ brings us Tuberville’s knucklehead Senate partner Markwayne (“I Don’t Want Reality”) Mullin again, grilling educators on whether it’s better to love Jesus or teach tolerance, which to me are two variations of the same damn question...I wish the last person Mullin interrogated hadn’t said something like Jesus comes first – what if we’re talking about a Jewish or Muslim school kid? – but I get it that she was worn down by Mullin’s abusive tactics...

...and keeping with the subject of faith (or the perversion thereof), Sam and Emma speak with Will Sommer on how quickly the fundie nutjobs aligned themselves with QAnon...I think Sam in particular is trying to be careful here when talking about religion, but I don’t think it’s automatic that anyone with a belief system would automatically gravitate to these crazies, and I’m sure Sam’s not saying that to be fair (and there is a bit of a precedent for this insanity as noted here)...

...and moving on to corporate stuff, I have some actual GOOD news for a change; Cenk and Ana of TYT tell us about Costco doing the right thing by holding the line on prices and member fees (I wish to God there was a Costco near Le Manse Doomsy, though I’ll do more research into finding one...nearest I think is in Willow Grove, Pa.)...

...and the prior video mentions good corporate behavior, but this has to do with BAD behavior from UPS versus the Teamsters, courtesy of More Perfect Union...and I know this is a damn broken record, but working at UPS was a good job until – wait for it! – 1982 and the ruinous reign of The Sainted Ronnie R, and the first attempt at a two-tiered wage system, which was fought off, only to have it return, leading to an increase in hiring (and totally abusing) part time workers, doing about 8 hours’ worth of work in 3.5-4 hrs. and getting paid a lousy wage to boot...

...and Thom Hartmann gives us another informative history lesson, this time on the SCOTUS and Sandra Day O’Connor totally quashing part of a dissent from fellow Justice David Souter (nominated to the Court by GHWB), in which Souter alleged that the High Court was helping to create a “plutocracy” in Souter’s completely correct analysis...

...and I hope everyone is in the mood for a newer upbeat tune as we head into the first summer goes.

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