Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday Stuff

(By the way, I know I haven’t had much to say about the I-95 collapse in these parts, but I can only add to the observations of others that Gov. Shapiro and the affected unions are kicking butt on taking care of this, which is what happens when the right people are in charge...and here is more evidence of that...and when it comes to the awful story about the five people dying in that submarine, allow me to present this.)

Dr. Rashad Richey and Aida Rodriguez tell us that “Governor Bully” wants to take an axe to Social Security and Medicare, forgetting of course all polling with majorities of Dems and Repugs supporting more funding and coverage...and I love Christie’s line about “oh, I’m almost 60, so don’t do anything to affect me...but if you’re 40, you can raise the retirement age or cut funding since you'll have time to prepare.” – OK, boomer...for the zillionth time, remove the damn cap on earninings subject to S.S. withholding!!...

Update: Oh sure, Christie has a shot - sure he does (tee hee - here).

...and believe it or not, this Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the thoroughly awful Shelby County v. Holder SCOTUS ruling, in which Hangin’ Judge JR gutted the preclearance provision of the Voting Rights Act, as Chris Hayes tells us (more here...more on our criminal SCOTUS later)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen gives us this clip of former Minnesota Repug governor Tim “Pawlenty of Nothing” who, in an interview with Brianna Keilar of CNN, tried to blame “both sides” for insurrectionists at the recent CPAC gathering of lower life forms (it seems like they have about 100 of these meetups a year)... I DEFY anybody to show me that, say, Antifa or Code Pink supports the violent overthrow of our government...

...and with venomous right wing groups in mind, I now give you the latest installment of ”This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 6/24/15, in which Thom Hartmann discusses mass murderer Dylann Roof and his connection/affiliation/whatever with the Council of Conservative Citizens, which I believe is still in existence (and yes, the group tried to wash its hands of Roof after he committed his horrible crime)...

...and to me, there isn’t much daylight between the Council of Conservative Citizens and The Federalist Society, since they both are malign influences that want to be only destructive to this country; with that in mind, the latest “class room” video from More Perfect Union and F.D. Signifier give us the most comprehensive report I’ve yet seen on Leonard Leo, who’s more responsible than anyone else IMO for the utterly destructive path chosen by our courts and the SCOTUS of course...Leo and all of his fellow criminals in dark robes should be left to rot in cells wearing orange jump suits, but of course they managed to change the laws first so they can escape culpability for their criminal behavior...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us that right wing media just loves RFK Jr.’s much as I utterly detest Steve Bannon, and rest assured that I do, I think we need to pay attention to what he’s talking about, especially when it comes to the “Keebler elves” a weird way, I wish we had a more mainstream Repug party, though I honestly believe that that’s over with that bunch...good point by Emma about wondering when the hell Bannon will FINALLY go to jail...

...and speaking of wingnut stoo-pidity, Farron Cousins lets us know that this state Repug rep in Flori-DUUH! named Rick Roth has apparently realized that – oopsie! –this horrible anti-immigrant bill from #DeathSantis is driving about 10% of the workforce out of his state...

...and I’m not sure that the weather is going to cooperate in these parts for a little while, even though we need the rain...still, I hope this tune kicks off a good weekend for one and all.

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