Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thursday Stuff

(My note: If I were king, U.S. House Dems would absolutely meme the hell out of the fact that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy needed 15 votes to get the job, and that many votes for House speaker hadn’t taken place since 1859...and instead of chanting “shame” after the Adam Schiff vote, they would have chanted “15 votes”...but that’s just me I guess.)

Ali Velshi speaks with U.S. House Dem Adam Schiff after yesterday’s censure vote as well as that ridiculous nonsense with John Durham, since apparently that body under Republic Party “leadership” has nothing better to do, aside from passing climate legislation, protecting women’s healthcare, providing relief for those impacted by evictions (more on that in a bit) and loss of Medicare in red states as well as those under the weight of student loans...naaah, let’s just exact political payback instead against the guy who took the lead in the prosecution of our prior criminal regime installed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (and by the way, this guy voted for the Schiff censure resolution do something about it, click here)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Schiff’s fellow Dem Dan Goldman pushing back on the Schiff censure BS...

Update: Well said by Schiff here.

...and from the “do as I say, not as I do” party, Kyle K. tells us about the North Carolina house state speaker, somebody named Tim Moore, who’s into group sex and having an affair with someone’s ex-wife...definitely not how I roll and not behavior I would normally care about if it weren't for the fact that these life forms all so busy hating on LGBTQ individuals ("silent sinners scream the loudest," huh? Interesting...NSFW/H)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about the other big story aside from the Schiff censure, and that’s the revelations about “Strip Search Sammy” Alito and this Paul Singer billionaire who just happened to fund this $100K trip to a luxury resort in Alaska to go fishing that somehow didn’t end up on Alito’s SCOTUS financial disclosure form (the whole thread from ProPublica, who continue to do amazing work, is here)...

Update: Gee, now it looks like Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett has some 'splainin' to do too (here).

...and Dr. Rashad Richey and Aida Rodriguez tell us that evictions are on the rise in post-pandemic era, with the COVID restrictions having ended last month (not completely happy with the “both sides” framing here because there are some Dems doing good work, but unfortunately, the overall policy accomplishments aren’t there, I have to reluctantly admit...good work by Philly here, I have to say)...

...and speaking of Philly (born there), happy 75th (!) birthday to Todd Rundgren.

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