Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

David Doel tells us that it looks like Hunter Biden is going to get a plea dela from a Trump-appointed attorney in Delaware (though that of course won’t stop one bit of wingnut screeching I realize)...and yeah, the genuinely scary stuff is about the Himalayan ice caps melting, but I guess that story’s a snooze fest, tragically, for way too many people...

...and the latest from Second Thought asks, “if clean energy is cheaper, why aren’t we using it?”...and if you guessed that this has a lot to do with Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard saying “well, we have Environmental and Social Governance (or ESG) funds while we continue to invest in dirty energy...what more do you tree-hugging libs want??!!” and then not doing much of anything else with renewables, then you get to enter the lottery to predict the day and time that the very last starving polar bear on an ice floe will finally kick it (God forbid we don’t have an 8-12 percent return on investment for these bloodsuckers)...”under capitalism, production is always initiated on the basis of prospective profit” and “there is no capitalist path to climate justice” indeed...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us that some Repug pol named Kevin Sabella, Sr. from Long Island apparently showed his junk in public and has done so repeatedly...good one, schumck (and yeah, some of the news orgs had “fun” with this story...suppose a little kid saw this POS do this?)...

...and Jayar Jackson, Adrienne Lawrence and Maz Jobrani tell us about Oregon state senate Republicans grounding hundreds of bills to a halt in a fight against a bill to protect abortions and gender-affirming always, it’s Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! for Not Your Father’s Republican Party (maybe some dated snark at this point, I have to admit)...

...and Kyle Kulinski informs us that it sounds like the student loan case to the SCOUTS may be imploding – cool! (or at least, this loan servicer named in the suit is saying "WTF? How are WE getting harmed by Biden’s student debt relief?")...and I have to admit that I didn’t know that “court stripping” was a thing – sounds like this wingnut Missouri AG is pulling some kind of garbage on this...

...and happy first day of summer, everybody.

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