Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us here that not only will Greg Abbott do NOTHING in “the land of the yellow rose” when it comes to his state’s failing energy grid, but he and his fellow Republican idiots are doing everything they can to sabotage renewable energy (figures)...

...and John of The Damage Report tells us about Walgreen’s deciding to cave on providing abortion pills in 20 states, including places where the pills are legal – and from the “screw around and find out” files, I give you this...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT discuss even MORE linked Emails from Fix Noise from the Dominion lawsuit, with some Trumper named Raj Shah saying that “Rudy looks so F’ing crazy” while “America’s Mayor” yammered on about alleged fraud in the ’20 election...and yeah, I would say we have multiple smoking guns here from the producer for The Swanson TV Dinner Heir saying how stoo-pid he thinks Carlson’s audience truly is, but the people affected the most likely will continue not to care, unfortunately...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report discuss the truly massive pro-democracy protests in Israel (about 200K)...and EVERY weekend? Wow (against what Israel is trying to do with limiting its supreme court)...

...and Rachel Maddow speaks with Guy Cecil, recently of Priorities USA, on what needs to happen to build a broad-based Democratic constituency across voting blocs/coalitions as opposed to “a confederacy of caricatures” which we have to some degree now...kind of wonky, nuts n’ bolts stuff I’ll admit, though its important of course...

...and here’s a tune for this day in the calendar; I guess the moral is to stay away from Roman knives for a little while.

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