Friday, March 17, 2023

Friday Stuff

David Pakman brings us the latest idiocy from CO-03’s U.S. House mistake, Bo-Bo Boebert; here, she confronts Biden’s director of the OPM for something that (allegedly) happened under Our Ochre Abomination (just say “oops” and get out; in response, I give you this)...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us a pretty powerful Vote Vets ad making the case to stop showing Fix Noise on our military bases (NSFW/H)...

...and John and Cenk of TYT tell us that new Repug guv Sarah Huckabilly Sanders of Arkansas has started rolling back child labor protections in her state...yeah, pretty much straight out of the playbook for these cretinous plutocrats like her (more here)...

...and Beau tells us that Russia apparently messed with/collided with a U.S. drone in international airspace (of course, Russia says it was in an airspace designated for their “special military operation” near Ukraine...yeah, as Beau says, it sounds like this will be something for the diplomats to scream about and that will likely be it)...

...and staying with the brutal Ukraine incursion waged by Vlad The Butcher in Russia, this DW report tells us about the battle over Bakhmut, and it looks like a counter-offensive will be staged with newly-acquired Western weapons (with correspondent Ralph Martin and analyst Frank Ledwidge)...

...and speaking of people laboring under deadly oppression, that unfortunately is an appropriate segue to this clip from More Perfect Union about what the residents of East Palestine, OH are dealing with from the Norfolk Southern catastrophe (NSFW/H – God bless these people, truly...and this could have happened anywhere – either Biden or the U.S. Senate, or maybe both, should try to put together some type of an independent commission to look into this, starting with who was responsible for overruling the Obama-era upgraded brake requirement for the trains, even though we know who was guilty on that one...forget about those wackadoodles running U.S. House doing any kind of oversight on this, unless it involves denying women abortions, trying to cancel drag queen story hour or anything to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us that the “party of Lincoln” has decided that their propaganda on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is that the fall of that institution has to do with “wokeness”...Hayes quite rightly IMO draws a line from regulatory rollback crippling SVB to causing Norfolk Southern’s assault on East Palestine (more related idiocy from The Roger Ailes BS Factory is here)...

...and I hope everybody is having a nice St. Patrick’s Day and managing to stay out of trouble :-).

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