Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Thom Hartmann tells us how the “party of Lincoln” has weaponized all kinds of antagonism against women, minorities, LGBTQ individuals, etc., along with the news that people of conscience out there are saying they don’t want any part of that and are leaving the “Republic” Party in response (kudos)...interesting take on fear turning into hate...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us about some wingnut author named Bethany Mandel who apparently wrote a book about How “Woke” Radicals Are Indoctrinating Your Children, even though she can’t explain what “woke” means...figures (NSFW/H)...

...and Ana and Rm Brown of TYT discuss some Republican clown in Oklahoma named Jim Olsen who thinks it’s OK to wail on special needs kids because the Old Testament says it’s fine...monstrous (and GREAT point by Ana on wondering where the hell the parents are when bills like this to actually protect their kids are introduced, instead of yelling about kids reading history that makes the parents uncomfortable...the anti-spanking bill apparently didn’t get enough votes for approval, though it will likely be reintroduced, as noted here)...

...and Alonzo Bodden of Rebel HQ brings us the story of Minnesota state senate Republican idiot Steve Drazkowski, who apparently has never encountered anyone suffering form hunger, particularly kids, which led him to oppose a bill providing relief to his many damn examples of Repuli-can’ts opposing various measures to help others because they can’t conceive of the actual problems themselves – hard to find a word for the selfishness on display (more here)...

Update 3/23/23: This guy is in a hole, and he really should stop digging (here).

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 3/15/11, in which Sam Seder (in a segment that used to be called “That’s Bullsh*t”) discusses former Wisconsin Repug Governor Scott Walker’s attack on public sector unions (more here)...I think this is a timely reminder because the cretins behind Walker’s garbage versus working folks are now back to try and get wingnut Dan Kelly elected to the state supreme court, which could potentially be disastrous for the ’24 elections and other reasons (to support judge Janet Protasiewicz instead, click here...more here)...

Update 3/26/23: And this sure figures about Kelly, doesn't it?

...and I have to admit that this is kind of a tough musical selection given that Jim Gordon, legendary sessions drummer for The Wrecking Crew, was convicted of murdering his mother and was sentenced to life in prison, but before he came to pieces, he gave some truly memorable performances, including this one.

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