Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes tells us about women denied abortions in Texas who are suing...good! Amanda Zurawski’s story is incredibly heartbreaking, and kudos to her for her courage in talking about it...every fathead anti-abortion politician should hear what she has to say, but of course they won’t...

...and David Doel (echoing the Hayes clip a bit) tells us that, basically, the majority of voters in Flor-DUUH! have no damn idea of what the hell is going on (and when it comes to Guv #DeathSantis vs. “the Mouse”...well, I’d hate to be paying property taxes in that state – more on that is here)...

...and staying below that Mason-Dixon line, Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about Tennessee passing a law allowing that state to not issue marriage licenses to gay or interracial couples...and “interfaith” couples too? Who the hell is the state official who will be in charge of administering this garbage? The kid from “Deliverance”? (and yes, I know that has to do with Georgia...and heading up north a bit, it looks like Iowa has also issued its own ban on same-sex marriage)...

...and here is a periodic reminder that, yes, I do indeed point out Democratic Party idiocy when I believe it is warranted, and I think New York City’s nutty mayor Eric Adams deserves to be “called onto the carpet” for saying he doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state (and oh yeah, there is this choice item involving Adams also)...

...and I have to admit that I was amused by this item; Stephen Colbert was able to use AI to simulate The Swanson TV Dinner Heir telling us what he really thinks of Mango Mussolini (among other news items from a recent monologue)...

...and here is kind of a dreamy little number for the kids to help us usher in the new week (hope everyone remembered to set your clocks forward).

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