Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

David Shuster speaks with some Trump-supporting life forms in North Carolina (I believe), with Shuster reminding these bipeds that Congress can’t deny or promote a religion...actually, some of these people were a little docile when compared with other “Cult 45” lunatics, so I guess that counts as progress somewhat (and listening to that guy spouting about religion while wearing his Flush Limbore T-shirt is straight out of a Stanley Kubrick movie as far as I'm concerned)...

...and when it comes to folks “drinking the Kool Aid,” David Pakman tells us about Charlie Kirk and his ilk normalizing the disturbing electoral win in Italy of neo-fascist ultra-nationalists, including Giorgia Meloni (and I’m surprised Boebert actually got the spelling right in her typically nutty tweet, which was better than MTG...and unfortunately, the refugee crisis from Putin’s war of choice in Ukraine is helping to create the instability that has led to this and what’s going on in Sweden of all places)...

...and speaking of Vlad The Butcher and his war of choice in Ukraine, John and Francesca discuss Russia going nuts over Putin’s draft, including bombing a recruiting station (and Francesca is right of course about the Vietnam draft protests...there was a time when lefties were violent for sure, and I’m not condoning that, but it was in response to Vietnam and the draft; I would argue that lefties overall have definitely left political violence behind related to the other side – no excuse when anybody engages in that stuff I know)...

...and returning to this country, this clip from The States Project tells us about the effort to get Democrats elected in down-ballot races, which are critically important especially in an election cycle where Dems typically don’t do well, though we’re trying to change that of course...

...and I know it’s been a looong time since I had one of these segments, but I think now is the time to bring it back a bit, and I’m referring to the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History”...and I have a real “oldie buy goodie” for you – on this day in 2012 (approximately...maybe closer to 9/18), Willard Mitt Romney, who was at the time the Repug presidential nominee, brought us his behind-closed-doors quote about 47 percent of this country allegedly being “entitled” to having government do everything for them (including provide Social Security and Medicare, which we pay into and...make no mistake...would be on the proverbial chopping block if, God forbid, Repugs take control of the federal government again)...the difference between then and now, of course, is that the “party of Lincoln” says stuff like this out in the open, and usually coming from The Roger Ailes BS Factory...

...and Miles Davis died on this day 31 years ago.

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