Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tuesday Stuff (updates)

Emma V. and company at The Majority Report tell us about Tuckums on Fix Noise going off on teachers allegedly sexualizing children...but The Swanson TV Dinner Heir is apparently OK with 15-year-old boys getting lap dances with a teacher’s face in the boy’s groin? I knew Carlson was sick and twisted, but I honestly didn’t know he was this far gone (I’m not exactly sure where that quote form Bill Russell ended, but it was pretty good...slightly NSFW/H)...

...and sticking with the prime time host from that abattoir of a TV network, Jeff Waldorf tells us about John Fetterman giving it back to the host of the White Power Hour over the PA Dem U.S. Senate candidate’s tattoos (and boy, it sure is FREAKING HILARIOUS for The Swanson TV Dinner Heir to imply that Fetterman was a rich kid sponging off his family...to help Fetterman, click here)...

Update: I give you this recent development concerning the Oz campaign (in the vicinity of Le Manse Doomsy).

I mean, I don’t condone or advocate vandalism, but it is pretty funny!

And before anybody clutches their pearls or looks for the fainting couch over those dastardly libs and their wanton acts of destruction, I should note that I’ve heard reports about Ashley Ehasz road signs near the intersection of Rts. 332 and 413 that disappeared or were ripped out and tossed over to the side of the road. And that intersection is pretty close to Bri-Fi pal Jim Worthington’s Newtown Athletic Club (and yes, apples and oranges...).

Coincidence? I think not.

Update 10/3/22: I swear, the more metaphorical rocks you turn over with Oz, the seamier he looks (here).

...and Jesse Dollemore and Brittany Page tell us that former Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre not only wanted PPP funds for speeches he never gave, but he also wanted prison labor to build a volleyball gym for his daughter...and Favre knew it was illegal of course (smiley face - more here)...and all the best to Dollemore with his health issues...

Update 9/30/22: What a self-entitled POS Favre is turning out to be (here...and funneling $$ earmarked for fighting cancer for his personal use...who does that remind me of? Thinking...).

Update 10/3/22: Birds of a feather, you might say (here)...


...and after hearing about the latest nonsense with Curtsy Kyrsten, I had to figuratively pour my white-hot rage into a teacup, but it was so profanity-laden that I have to cool it in the saucer of this admittedly dumb blog afterwards...if you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, it’s in reference to this Brian Tyler Cohen clip of Sinema giving a speech in front of The McConnell Center, or wherever that mess was...if I actually received a compliment from Moscow Mitch over ANYTHING, I would immediately rethink the full purpose and scope of my entire life...this clip has the quote from Sinema about not giving the child everything he/she wants (more here)...I don’t know what is worse about this woman: her condescension, her corruption, or her stupidity (And by the way, a TYT clip on this basically told us that she’s gotten about $3 mil in donations for her antics, which is CHUMP CHANGE when you’re talking about the dark $$$$ poisoning our politics...mildly NSFW/H...also, Cohen mentioned the U.S. Senate races, but I didn’t hear anything about Ohio...to help Dem Tim Ryan, click here)...

...and if you want an example of how a Democrat is SUPPOSED to act, David Pakman tells us about CA guv Gavin Newsom giving it back to Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron #DeathSantis of FLA; I agree with Pakman...you don’t have to be the biggest fan of Newsom to completely respect what he’s doing here...

...and notwithstanding the whole “eye of Sauron” think going on (well, maybe not really), if I could, I would blare this song through the doors of Sinema’s offices every single freaking day!

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