Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report gives us a brief look at the many ways that the “party of Lincoln” has obstructed Congress, including in response to a bill to codify election procedure (i.e., not allowing VPs to overturn elections), which received only 9 U.S. House Repug votes, and all from reps who were leaving, so of course Bri-Fi voted No also – to do something about that, click here...

...and turning to the U.S. Senate race in our beloved commonwealth of PA, it looks like one of Mehmet (“CALL ME DOCTOR, DAMMIT!”) Oz’s highest profile backers, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, has turned on his former pal for mocking John Fetterman over the latter’s stroke – to help Fetterman, click here...

...and it looks like Oz’s family had to pay the largest ICE fine in history (against the Asplundh tree cutting company...they’re all over the place in this area by the way), and of course, Oz crows about “illegal immigration” (the hypocrisy is the point of course...segment goes to about 5:30, then leads into a discussion about 58% of Republicans believing in “white replacement theory”...with Ana and Cenk)...

...and Chris Hayes speaks with Bernie Sanders about the popularity of Biden’s loan forgiveness and the response to the concentration of corporate wealth vis-a-vis the increased unionization efforts in this country (and of course, Cancun Cruz and his pals will try to fight student loan forgiveness because that’s what they do...yeah, numbers look good for now, but we should all work for campaigns as if we’re 20 points down, partly because – unfortunately – dark money swooping in at the 11th hour with a blitz of negative ads often still works in campaigns more than it should, though I honestly believe the tide is turning on that...will that hold be broken in this cycle? I don’t know, and we should assume NOTHING...this clip is a few days old and it took me a little while to get to it, I know...David Doel also had a good recent segment on this piece)...

...and it looks like FLA Guv Ron #DeathSantis is getting sued by the migrants he tricked into flying to Martha’s Vineyard, and of course he doubles down on his BS because that’s all he knows how to do...Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about it...

...and Beau tells us about the call that allegedly came from inside the White House to somebody at the Capitol on 1/6 based on the “60 Minutes” interview with Denver Riggleman (here) should be plainly obvious to anyone with at least a double-digit IQ by now that Not Your Father’s Republican Party hates representative democracy and demonstrates that at every opportunity...

...and Caroline Johnson of Rebel HQ discusses the “trickle-down effect,” if you will, when wingnut preachers try to cram their version of morality down everyone’s throats (I’m honestly not sure which one of those two guys in NYC is supposed to be the goofball; maybe the guy in the cap is supposed to be normal?)...

...and RIP Jim Post of the ‘60s one-hit-wonder duo Friend and Lover, with their signature tune.

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