Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Tuesday Stuff


OK, I’m going to try and get this thing running again after some much-needed time off - and yes, to be fair, I should point out that the group behind this ad cast a metaphorical blind eye to an awful lot of Repug craziness before the Gropenfuhrer came along, but for now, the Lincoln Project continues to do good work, so that’s why I’m including their videos...

...and I think this clip takes a bit of a tone similar to a ‘50s black-and-white schlock flick a bit (something produced by William Castle for example) with the tag line of “THEY’RE COMING FOR YOU!,” but seriously, in Mango Mussolin’s America, is the warning that far off base?...

...and though I tried to remain “out of pocket,” I definitely noticed what Farron Cousins talks about here, and that is Joe Biden’s trip to Brandywine Cemetery...to visit his son, first wife and daughter, and of course, the Trumpsters attacked him (mildly NSFW/H, and boy, is Cousins ever right about this Francis Brennan loser)...

...and I’m not going to take too much of an issue with this teacher for voting for Our Treasonous Orange Pustule in ’16 – I believe she was incredibly naïve and ill-informed – but she does make a convincing case for DEFINTELY NOT making that mistake again...

...and I think Ana and John in particular are correct in this TYT segment about the U.S. not working together with the World Health Organization to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine because Our Ruling Regime of Frauds, Liars and Idiots wants to try and unleash something on this country in time for the election, with safety and any practical considerations being utterly damned of course...

..and I hope everybody had a #HappyStarTrekDay - here is a video for the occasion.

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