Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday Stuff

Thom Hartmann speaks with author Nancy Altman about Generalissimo Trump’s latest efforts to kill Social Security (and make no mistake that he would make every effort to do that merely out of spite if for no other reason...sync is off again)...

...and yeah, 45 knew all right, as Brian Tyler Cohen tells us (and I don’t give Woodward a pass here either – letting us know that our *president is going to allow a deadly pandemic to rage out of control is more important than book sales as far as I’m concerned, and it’s not like Woodward should be hurting for $$$)...

Update 1: And they knew too.

Update 2: What Atrios sez here.

...and David Doel tells us here about a cancer survivor in NC getting blown off by a Thom Tillis staffer when she calls (the Tillis staffer shouldn’t be “disciplined” – this person should be FIRED!! And yes, I know Doel is playing devil’s advocate here a bit, though I’m still a little annoyed by his “what else can you expect” remarks...also, when it comes to COVID-19, I don’t completely believe the recent numbers since I don’t think all of the cases are being reported to the can lump Tillis in with his other same-party playmates as far as I'm concerned here)...

...and Kyle K. brings us this HLN clip on 50% of people unemployed – about 40 million – not being able to afford food, which is pretty damn awful and why this is needed...and the quote Kyle mentions came from JFK...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 9/9/10, in which K.O. reminds us about Repug SC U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson yelling out “You Lie” during former President Obama’s address about health care reform (more here), which, given the unending falsehoods of Number 45, seems almost quaint now...and yeah, this idiot is still serving in the U.S. Congress...

...and sometimes, the hilarity just writes itself; this Now This clip tells us about the accidents at the latest Trump boat parade...and sorry, but I don’t care about these idiots and their vessels capsizing or whatever...

..and RIP legendary actress Dame Diana Rigg; a formidable thespian for sure, and I have to tell you something – when you’re a little kid watching “The Avengers” (the ‘60s Brit spy TV series that is) and you see her in her heyday looking like she was poured into that leather cat suit or whatever that was...well, I don’t think I’m being a chauvinist to say that it had the desired effect...

...and speaking of milestones, while I was on my break, I missed the 75th birthday of ‘70s prog rocker Al Stewart – hope it was a good one.

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