Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday Stuff

Kyle discusses Mango Mussolini getting nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize (pardon me while I puke...and yeah, even Obama didn’t completely understand why he won in ’09 and he basically went over to Norway, grabbed it and ran without doing much of anything except getting everybody pissed off at him...and I’m sorry, but Kyle is TOTALLY WRONG on Trump and North Korea, particularly since 45 didn’t do a damn thing to curtail Kim Jong-Un’s nuke ambitions (here)...other than that, however, I think Kyle is spot-on here)...

...and yeah, I think this clip is a lot closer to the actual truth (we've already covered some of this, but it definitely bears repeating)...

...and in this “Damage Report” clip, Brett Erlich and Ben Dixon tells us that a three-judge NY panel told the Gropenfuhrer he couldn’t exclude illegal immigrants from the census (though, unfortunately, I think Dixon is right)...

...and Ali Velshi discusses QAnon with Shannon Foley-Martinez, who apparently is trying to basically deprogram these life forms (interesting explanation, which kind of leads me to believe that, among others, our media has failed to do its job to report the news to people in a way that makes sense to their lives and circumstances)...

...and Ana K. and Wosny Lambre talk about the reaction of the Kansas City fans booing the Chiefs and Texans players who wanted a moment of silence for equality (yep, “keeping it real” for sure I guess, and I’m trying not to opine too much about the racist stupidity on display since I think that’s already covered in this clip...and I know this isn’t the main point, but I’m surprised actual fans were even there)...

...and RIP Toots Hibbert of Toots and the Maytals (and apparently you can chalk this one up to COVID-19 also...ugh).

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