Friday, November 02, 2018

Friday Stuff

(I have updates to my U.S. Senate post here.)

Sadly, it looks like Not Your Father’s Republican Party has settled on its alleged “closing argument,” and it’s every bit as pathetic as you think for the reasons John and Cenk of TYT point out here (and let’s not forget this also – and who was it who pardoned Arpaio again? Thinking…)...

…and speaking of lies, it looks like former Trumpers aren’t faring too well when trying to find gainful employment after leaving the regime of our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator, particularly at “fake news” CNN – one adage that comes to mind is this; you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas

…and I guess this is part of a “lying” theme also – Kyle tells us about the usual Repug suspects, as it were, bringing falsehoods to the table when it comes to health coverage for pre-existing conditions (NSFW)…

…and not to be outdone when it comes to trying to be “mainstream” for the Repugs in time for another election (though maybe ultra-ultra right actually IS mainstream for this bunch), I give you the latest from Sam Bee on one Steven Arnold King (more here and here – NSFW do something about it, click here)…

...and Robert Reich tells us about the Gropenfuhrer's 30 biggest broken promises…

...and I promise I’ll finish his great book this year, I hope - probably :-).

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