Thursday, November 01, 2018

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow tells us that there is now a precedent for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to go after Generalissimo Trump based on Tricky Dick’s Watergate history (yeah, the "Dictabelt" does sound like something out of the era of Don Draper, to be sure)…

…and speaking of Mueller, Farron Cousins tells us more about this Jacob Wohl character who apparently tried to incriminate the special counsel somehow – the stoo-pid is almost too thick to cut with a chainsaw, let alone a knife...more here (and the fact that Wohl’s group is apparently called “SureFire Intelligence” is something right out of a Stanley Kubrick movie…and oh, some conservative named Jack Burkman had something to do with this as well…and why am I not surprised that The Gateway Pundit is involved also? Have fun going to prison, you clowns.)…

…and Francis Maxwell gives us a “Breakdown” segment on Trump trying to end birthright citizenship – you know, the 14th Amendment, which he can’t change by himself (good job to compare this to gun rights and press freedom)…

…and John, Ben and Brooke Thomas give us the latest on a poll which shows increased millennial turnout in voting (yaay!)…

…and Carlos Maza and Norman Ornstein argue that Repugs have broken our politics – not saying Dems are innocent either, just saying that there’s no doubt about who’s responsible for this facet of our democracy “going off the rails” in the first place…

…and after watching the Maddow clip, I felt like hearing this tune for a bit of historical perspective.

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