Thursday, June 01, 2017

Thursday Stuff

Generalissimo Trump said he would do it, and he did (here); I think Cenk Uygur brings all of the disgust and outrage that is called for, though it’s aimed mainly at Tom Coburn and the Foxies (yep, 97 percent of scientists say we need to get our shit together on this...from 6:50 to 7:00 is Nail. Hammer. Head.)...

…and I’m going out of order again with K.O.’s “Resistance” commentaries, I know – Olbermann is absolutely right, but good luck getting the “party of Lincoln” to owe up to this nightmare…

…and Sam Bee is back to give us the latest on “Covfefe” and “An Idiot Abroad” (NSFW)…

…though anything concerning the “Gropenfuhrer” is fine with our corporate media puppet masters, among others…

…and there’s so much garbage going on with this pestilence of an administration that it’s hard to figure out which disaster to fight first (once again, thanks to all of you clueless meatheads, regardless of your political stripe, who had anything to do with this even though you were THOROUGHLY WARNED), but Farron Cousins tells us that 40 U.S. House Repugs who supported Trump-Scam-Care have made just oodles of dough off their medical investments (yeah, I know “conflict of interest” is something only Democrats have to worry about – removing my tongue from my cheek)…

..and I guess this great Gregg Allman tune could be the theme for the "Trumpsters" trying to pillage our country.

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