Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday Stuff

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas (and some of those fleas have nicknames, apparently)...

...and the lady profiled in the story has my sympathies and I hope and pray all goes well for her, but seriously, what else did you expect Republicans to do, including President-Elect Twitter Tantrum Baby? (the video was cut a bit at the end before Dee Dee Ward said, “my side” – and yeah, that’s about what you can expect from that lying sack of shit Ron Johnson – heckuva job, all you voters who returned him, “No Corporate Tax” Pat Toomey, and the rest of that sorry lot last November)...

…and as his time winds down, sadly, President Obama reflects on what he considers his worst day, and it’s hard to argue with this - we all know the reason nothing happened and I'm not saying we shouldn't be outraged about it any more, but I'm only saying we should conserve our energy for the many battles on this and other issues that still will have to be fought unfortunately…

…and I always thought this was kind of a contemplative song, so here it is.

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