Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday Stuff

My guess is that, even if armed with the same caliber weapon, if Larry Pratt faced “a bad guy with a gun,” he’d wet his pants (here)…

…and I meant to get to this a little while ago, but I thought this was a pretty good response from Number 44 to those who keep acting like “OMIGOD HE DIDN’T SAY THE CODE WORDS HE WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY. THAT DAMN KENYAN MUSLIM SOCIALIST STRIKES AGAIN!!”…

…and I felt like I was in the mood for the Ted Stevens techno dance mix “It’s A Series of Tubes” from about 8 years ago in light of this great story; yes, ready or not, it’s time for another installment of “This Day In Doomsy History”…

...and Lee Camp is back with Naomi Karavani (?) to explain why those pesky poor people just keep ending up in jail, gosh darn it (snark)…

…and I always thought the so-called “civility pledge” that Steve Santarsiero signed with Mikey Part 2 Brian Fitzpatrick was nonsense (sometimes politics is mean - deal with it), and this proves to me how seriously Bucks County Republicans actually take it, which is to say not much (a prior post on this is here)…excuse me, but during the last decade, wasn’t the “party of Lincoln” telling everyone how staunchly pro-military they are? Then why are they ripping on Steve for missing votes to be with his ailing dad, a World War II veteran?

Yep, pretty lowdown all right – here is a reminder why this election for PA-08 in particular matters (and even though this is true, as far as I'm concerned, Steve deserves an "A" for effort, particularly with the Orlando horror fresh in our minds)…

...and I'm of a mind to try and wind things down in a bit of a mellow mood, so here's a tune that I hope gets that done.

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