Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday Stuff

Yes, I admit that I’m a little behind on the debate – this is the only clip I’ve seen so far that matters IMHO (sorry, Gov. Chafee, but you earned a seat at the little kids table here…and by the way, Larry Lessig should have been there too)…

…and I thought this was a fitting contrast (and I also think some props should go out to Anderson Cooper here, to be fair – while our side tries to come up with solutions to actual problems, the “party of Lincoln” is preoccupied with nonsense like this)...

…and as another contrast, I give you a Trump supporter doing something that I suppose they do very well (here)…

…and speaking of “The Donald,” a hat tip goes out to Chris Hayes for this; just the context we need (I guess I'm a day - the spitter in the above clip wasn't drunk as far as I know)…

…and to get serious for a moment, this tells you about the dangers faced by actual journalists, as opposed to many of the news mannequins foisted upon us by our corporate media (as far as I'm concerned, the very last sentence spoken in this clip says it all)…

…and happy 80th birthday to ‘60s icon Barry McGuire.

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