Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Stuff

(I also vented in a topical vein here, for what it's worth.)

Putting aside the idiocy of the questions in New Hampshire aimed at The Donald (And you know what? Those questions were just out-and-out stoo-pid – the fact that any biped of the Homo sapiens variety out there would still think that we’re going to be overrun by Muslims, as well as that reference to the Clinton News Network…God, what a festival of duuuh!), Sen. Bernie Sanders gave what I thought was a good response on the issue of VA health care (here’s a thought – try NOT invading Middle East countries and creating more casualties, and maybe our VA wouldn’t be overrun), as well as his commentary at the last minute…

...and this is about as much of an analysis of that farce the other night as I care to watch (NSFW – and Jimmy Dore makes a GREAT point about Bernie Sanders at about 7:00, and boy, is he right with that last sentence at the very end)…

…and yet again, John Oliver makes an important point with humor, this time concerning our public defenders (here – and NSFW also of course)…

…and if I were to choose, I would probably pick Fallon over Kimmel, though the latter definitely has had good performers on his show, including this one.

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