Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday Stuff

I thought this was a particularly well-done report by Rachel Maddow on Loretta Lynch, nominated to take over as AG for Eric Holder, who I'm afraid will never get the credit he's due, much like his boss...

…and any loss of life is terrible, and I’m sorry for the Israeli soldiers and their families as noted in the report – all I’m going to point out is that this, to me, is strangely reminiscent of what our own military has suffered mainly as a result of Former Commander Codpiece and his Not-So-Excellent Adventure in Iraq…

...and yes, "Snitchens" ended up going over to the dark side under Bushco (and I can recall this particularly awful episode that followed), but for a time, he was spot-on as he was here, something I recalled in response to this (with "Senator Honor and Virtue" doing his angry old man thing yet again...when I recall Henry Kissinger, though, I think of this first and foremost)...

...and maybe if we rock a little harder, the weekend will get here sooner - just sayin'.

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